Whats your monthly car insurance payments in nyc?

Dec 22, 2008
do tell how much and with who and how your able to get that price. im looking to purchase a car soon and want to know whats a good insurance company i can geta hook up with for a 1998 jeep cherokee.. doing this to get a idea of how much im going to be spending.. thanks
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

Originally Posted by sheistbugz

owning car in nyc=RIP ya pockets

Not really. As long as you can afford it. Especially if you have a insurance hookup

idk man, seems like it just bills after bills. Gas is $$$$, insurance is $$$$$$, and all the other little things add up quick. But of course, if you can affordit, its really no prob.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

haha at 300+
i pay 110 for full coverage
i live in SEA
Im 22, with a slew of tickets including reckless driving, speeding, and tailgating (all from racing), 2 accidents, and a totaled car insurance hadto payout for ($18k). Not proud of it but its the bed I made. Plus, unlike most, I dont drive a rust bucket
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