Whats the best chips/snacks you ever had?


Deleted member 42060

i'll say (no rank)

nacho cheese Doritos
roasted garlic and sea salt wavy lays
cheddar cracker combos (original blue & white bag)
baked sour cream and onion lays
FUNIONS or shrimp chips...i can put whole bags down 

breath be stanking but no damns givin...
Sour Creme N Onion chips
Slat & vinegar chips
Plain UTZ chips
Those pizza chips someone posted earlier
Cool ranch doritos
Sour Creme N Cheddar
Milk n cookie hershey bar
Cheetos Mixups, both flavors
Sweet Tomato N Basil lays
It was these kettle cooked chips with some type of black pepper on them I used to like a lot too
alot of stuff i never heard of in here.....gonna add them to my grocery list
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