What were some of the most memorable things you got to witness in person?


Aug 1, 2011
It can be anything memorable that's ever happened. Only restriction is that you HAD to have been there in person to see it live (and NOT through the television/computer/media/etc). It can be shocking, funny, scary, emotional, amazing, phenomenal, or just plain weird (in your opinion, of course).

For me, off the top of my head:

-Thunderclouds right underneath the plane I was on.. Had me SHOOK on the plane.
-Bald eagles mating (a very rare sight)
-When the moon turned red on Feb. 20, 2008
-UFO looming over the city... Everyone at same time and place were pretty amazed (Don't recall too much of it, was still pretty young)
-The scene of a horrible car accident which resulted in the car flipping and knocking the traffic light pole down... There was a huge pile of blood as well

Feel free to share yours, NT... I'm sure y'all have much more interesting experiences than mine
It can be anything memorable that's ever happened. Only restriction is that you HAD to have been there in person to see it live (and NOT through the television/computer/media/etc). It can be shocking, funny, scary, emotional, amazing, phenomenal, or just plain weird (in your opinion, of course).

For me, off the top of my head:

-Thunderclouds right underneath the plane I was on.. Had me SHOOK on the plane.
-Bald eagles mating (a very rare sight)
-When the moon turned red on Feb. 20, 2008
-UFO looming over the city... Everyone at same time and place were pretty amazed (Don't recall too much of it, was still pretty young)
-The scene of a horrible car accident which resulted in the car flipping and knocking the traffic light pole down... There was a huge pile of blood as well

Feel free to share yours, NT... I'm sure y'all have much more interesting experiences than mine
unranked georgetown beating then #1 and 18-0 duke and storming the court at the verizon center
unranked georgetown beating then #1 and 18-0 duke and storming the court at the verizon center
Blue angels flyin around, thought it was pretty cool
Huge lightning storm in Coloroado
Blue angels flyin around, thought it was pretty cool
Huge lightning storm in Coloroado
*Super corny post*

Really, I just think it's cool knowing that one of my good friends is like..a super scholar and like... this big inspiration to nerds everywhere
. I be feeling kinda hanger-onish or like I'm beating a dead horse bringing it up as much as I do, but I'm REALLY proud of Katie Washington. Seeing all of everything that came about as she became valedictorian of Notre Dame was epic to me. I mean, I'm not surprised at all, I'm just...man..

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