What sports opinions did you have that turned out to be dead wrong?

Nov 18, 2007
I have had a more than one doozy over the years.  Most famously, I wanted the Warriors to trade Steph Curry instead of Monta Ellis.  

So what about you, NT?  What opinions did you have, that you felt strongly about, that turned out to be laughably incorrect?
I was one of the fools who believed LBJ would go to Miami and be the Robin to D-Wade's Batman.

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I thought the Matt Barkley, Tyler Bray, Logan Thomas, Zach Mettenberger, Geno Smith QB draft class was going to be really really good.

Barkley specifically. :smh:
I thought Marcus Banks was gonna be great after he took it to TJ Ford in summer league. In my defense, I was like 16. :lol:
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I was the conductor on the Mohamed Sanu hype train...thought he'd be en-route to Canton. :lol:
Thought Michael Beasley had next. Like, I thought he was bust-proof. I thought his floor was perennial all star. I mean c'mon


As a freshman? :smh:

I still can't believe he washed out of the league tbh. He's been amazing for the Rockets tho.
Geno Smith
Marquise Lee so far
Acie Law couldn't tell me he wasn't next :lol:
I thought Tyreke Evans was next great SG
Marvin Austin
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Thought Kordell was going to revolutionize the game


If he stayed as 'slash', he had a chance
I thought Tim Duncan coming out of Wake Forest was only going to have a average NBA career :lol:
I'm going to omit stuff I said I was like 14-15; like OJ>Kevin Love (I've been on NT a long *** time) :lol:

Most of this stuff is draft related, because I follow it closely most years.

Jimmer Fredette

After seeing Steve Nash and then Steph Curry distort defensive coverages with off the dribble 3 point shooting ability. I though that PG's who could shoot off the dribble 3's, off the pick and roll, with deep range would become insanely valuable.

especially as teams when away from hedging hard, and went to drop back pick and roll, I thought Jimmer could totally exploit that and be a stpeh curry light.

Turns out he's defense made him unplayable and his PG skills were limited than I thought.

Eric Bledsoe

I just didn't understand what he was good at, what NBA skill he was going to hang his hat on turns out I didn't give him enough redit for playing out of position at Kentucky. This is why following prospects from age 16- to draft makes evaluating things way easier.

Dairus Morris

This was before I figure out that freshman performance is the most predictive year of college basketball. also playing PG, in john belin system is really really easy, and before I really keyed into how difficult it is to be an effective NBA perimiter player if you can't shoot.
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thought ralph sampson was gonna be the next big thing coming out of UVA. all them injuries
too bad he was damaged by the time he got to gs :x
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i was wrong about Julian Edelman. thought he would never come close to replacing Wes Welker
Speaking of, I was wrong about Wes Welker. I said Brady would make him look like a Pro Bowl WR, he was much better than that.
I thought Russell Wilson was carried by his D and would be average forever...glad I was wrong...
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