What one thing do you wish to see happen in your lifetime?

Oct 7, 2004
Now that we have a black president (something I did expect to see in my lifetime actually), what else do you wish to happen in your lifetime? Name anythingat all.

Mine would be to see God make a last ditch comeback in overtime and sort this FAIL of a planet out (and I aint religious either, dont even trip). Aint gotnothing against a little religious piety...I'm covering my $!+ starting from now...
get my 40 acres and a mule

i kid i kid

but free college (from undergrad on up) and free health care
1) Sig check, #$*%%...

2) The Cowboys winning some more Super Bowls, of course...

3) Legal weed

Oh yeah..ending world hunger and peace amongst men and all that Hallmark $#!+ 2...
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

get my 40 acres and a mule

i kid i kid

but free college (from undergrad on up) and free health care
you make me sick! free college i can get with. health care...free?
i'm more for health care being privatized
andi'm so serious on this

i'd like to see all native American related mascots gone. well the ones that make us look bad. we got enough problems already
armageddon...when i was old and ready to go of course it would be cool to see/expereience. OH ya! and seeing the Suns win a damn championship...09's theyear And what dude said up more ^^ legal weed blowin is my dream
Discovery of a new habitable planet
Sign of life outside earth......although I would be terrified
My guessis if we discovered an alien race, they will most likely be hostile.
the day where me and people like me aren't seen as second class citizens because of the gender of the person we love
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

the day where me and people like me aren't seen as second class citizens because of the gender of the person we love
ayo? JK U gae?
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