What L's have you taken in 2008?

Apr 15, 2008
Destroyed TWO laptops
11 cell phones-(3 of those were LG Dares)
^^^those were drunk mishaps
I maxed out 4 CC's on absolutely nothing
put $700 to repair a car i was getting rid of 2 months later
Paid for a semester of classes outta pocket that i ended up dropping.

seems like i took a lot L's this year....
Got accepted and a month later rejected from the University of Tampa

Lost contact with a girl I really really liked

Umm thats pretty much it.
you know... 2007 was an L filled year for me haha.

2008 was sort of an AK Nako bounce back year.

Aside from sleeping with a girl I had no business even speaking to (a loss in my eyes that I'm sure most people wouldn't even consider a loss really),I've been winning pretty consistently for the past 12 months. And things are only looking up from here.

Sold my PS3 and used the money on nothing.
GFX card stopped working.
Could have gotten a bigger TV for the same price if I waited a month or two
almost went the year without one... girl wants some time to think about things, but instead is dating someone else to do so...

Girls not knowing what they want FTL... which sucks because she was the one...

Other than that though, good year overall, school is good, have a great job, marks are going up
On 2 seperate occasions these 2 fine %%$ chicks who i know are interested in me sat near me in the courtyard at my college and i said nothing to both of them.I mean they literally sat near me so i would talk to both of them (i was sitting by myself and they made eye contact with me then sat down near me thats how iknow) and i froze up and just sat there till one of their friends came by and they left.

Im bout to get some facebook stalking on though and see if i can find them and get at them on facebook. There might be a thread coming soon
Messed my computer after only having a month.
Going to smash this chicks and not being able to find there hotel room.
Losing my job
Not being able to get the 7/16 package.
Originally Posted by dreClark

I take 3 L's to the head.

Love, Live, Life then I'm dead....
"And if I aint good lookin'....you bet my B' isssss"

....it was funny because it has nothing to do with the topic...yetit does....
Actually... nah in hindsight I lied. I have several relationship related Ls.

The Ws far outweigh the set backs though, so I'm good.
OP, sounds like a reckless year. The economy has just dished out the biggest L to me and everyone else.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I've taken no L's in 2008.

Juicy Campus son.

My Ls:
-Not pursuing this bad freshman with whom I had class with that showed interest (Jan. 08)
-Couldn't find a job over the summer
-My laptop died (July 2008)
-Failing my license exam (Aug. 2008)
-Couldn't find an off campus house for next year (Sept. 08)
-Dropping statistics (Oct. 2008)

There are more that I can't think of right now. This was the year of the L.
It would take me 2 pages to List all my L's this year!

I will be back with a edit and maybe cliff notes.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Destroyed TWO laptops
11 cell phones-(3 of those were LG Dares)
^^^those were drunk mishaps
I maxed out 4 CC's on absolutely nothing
put $700 to repair a car i was getting rid of 2 months later
Paid for a semester of classes outta pocket that i ended up dropping.

seems like i took a lot L's this year....

Damn I thought i had it bad

Lost LG voyager drunk-currently stuck witht he worst piece of doo doo fone ever.
Lost 300 dollar jacket drunk
Car accident, my fault, insurance hike
Spending money on "sinful"/useless things

But my Ws>>>>>>the many Ls
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by dreClark

I take 3 L's to the head.

Love, Live, Life then I'm dead....
"And if I aint good lookin'....you bet my B' isssss"

....it was funny because it has nothing to do with the topic...yet it does....
Such is the genius of one Dwayne Michael Carter Jr.
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