what is your opinion on karma?

Oct 6, 2008
what are your beliefs towards it? have you ever experienced karma and thought that this certain thing happened to me because i did the same thing to someoneelse??

sorry if i dont seem to make sense im kinda tired
People just don't like to think things happen for no reason. The idea of randomness scares them. If a bad thing happens to you, and you believe in karma,you attribute the bad thing to something bad you did in the past, because something painful happening to you for no reason makes it seem like you have nocontrol over the world. I think it's all mental.
I dont believe in Karma. Its just a excuse to place blame on other things. Its like "no you didnt crash your car because you said that baby was ugly lastweek, you crashed your car becaues you suck at driving."
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

People just don't like to think things happen for no reason. The idea of randomness scares them. If a bad thing happens to you, and you believe in karma, you attribute the bad thing to something bad you did in the past, because something painful happening to you for no reason makes it seem like you have no control over the world. I think it's all mental.

My life is perfect until I do something bad. When I spend dirty money it always comes back to haunt me.
i think it exists big time. thats y i try not to do nothin to ppl that i dnt wnt them 2 do 2 me. i think my ex is gettin bad karma now from her bf cuz of watshe put me thru.
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