What if you bought a MacBook Pro from BestBuy and got THIS!!!

Dec 18, 2008
What if you just dropped a good 2 grand ($2,000) on a Fresh @Ss Macbook Pro from Best Buy, and had it shipped to your house (Most of you know how it is to waitfor something in the mail for a few days)
. Alright so after those grueling days it finally arrives in the mail, you rip open the wrapping paper, undo allthe packaging and instead of a 2 grand piece of heaven you get this.


check out the article here. Its all true. http://gizmodo.com/5231972/best-buy-sells-customer-a-large-brick-in-place-of-a-macbook-pro-literally
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

What if you just dropped a good 2 grand ($2,000) on a Fresh @Ss Macbook Pro from Best Buy, and had it shipped to your house (Most of you know how it is to wait for something in the mail for a few days)
. Alright so after those grueling days it finally arrives in the mail, you rip open the wrapping paper, undo all the packaging and instead of a 2 grand piece of heaven you get this.

I'd throw the brick at their window.
I can't imagine that actually happening

Wouldn't you realize when you were carrying the box its heavy as hell

And theres NO way for that guy to prove that happened
happened to a guy my moms was seeing he dropped like $200 on a camera in at a food 4 less parking lot......come home open it up and wow there was abrick
(true story)
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I can't imagine that actually happening

What sense does it make for some employee to steal a computer and put a brick in the box to send out to someone?
Word. Unfortunately the customer will probably be getting compensated something serious because of the publicity.
If you read the actual article it says it was purchased at a best buy in Texas

not shipped to him


I work at a best buy... and I know as a worked if a box had a brick in it... I could tell the difference... so how would that EVER happen
by Ben Silverman
Buzz up!

April 27 2:53 P.M.

Jodi Wykle knew her son would be thrilled when she gave him a new Nintendo DS for his birthday.

Instead, he was rocked.

According to WTSP-TV, the confused teen opened up his gift only to find bunch of stones and a rolled up Chinese newspaper in place of the popular handheld.

All I got was a rock.

Needless to say, mom was equally stunned.

"When he opened it, he was pulling the seal off, my sister-in-law carries a pocket knife and she opened it and that's when he pulled it out and it wasChinese newspaper and a bunch of rocks," she explained.

The troubling discovery prompted the Florida woman to contact the local Wal-Mart where she bought the curious box and complain, but reportedly workers theretold her it wasn't their problem and that she should contact Nintendo instead. Of course, Nintendo told her roughly the same thing, leaving mother and sonwith a $138 box of rocks.

"They don't want to do nothing. They want me to keep the box of rocks. I'm not buying a box of rocks for $138," she said.

Amazingly enough, however, Wal-Mart soon caved after learning that the same box of rocks had been previously returned by another disgruntled customer. Howexactly it made it back onto store shelves remains a mystery, but for her troubles, Wykle was given a full refund and a $20 gift card.

It's not the first time Wal-Mart has gotten into hot water for selling a questionable handheld. Earlier this month, a PSP system bought at a differentWal-Mart store in Florida was found to contain a memory stick filled with pornographic images.

I can understand at WalMart, it was probably a return. Someone bought it, switched the Nintendo DS for rocks/newspaper, then returned it with a new seal.WalMart asked if it was never opened or whatever and then just put it back on the shelf. At Best Buy I am SURE they are much more careful about stuff likethat.
happened to someone i know. there was a guy selling a laptop in front of safeway for dirt cheap. a good one to i think it was a dell. he scooped it up for like250$ got home and there was a huge square tile similar to the size of a laptop wrapped in bubble.
I'm not sure if it was on NT... or if this actually happened at the Wal MArt around my way... but I know I remember hearing about some people who tried toreturn "Empty" laptop boxes... claiming they got home and nothing was in the box... and got caught for stealing the laptops... and then trying toreturn the empty box

But yeah.... seriously...

At my best buy we had someone once claiming they bought a World of Warcraft gaming card and the card wasn't there when they opened it... we gave them teh
and they did not get a refund
Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

happened to someone i know. there was a guy selling a laptop in front of safeway for dirt cheap. a good one to i think it was a dell. he scooped it up for like 250$ got home and there was a huge square tile similar to the size of a laptop wrapped in bubble.

Completely irrelevant

Didn't buy it from a company... bought it from some guy.... ?
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

happened to someone i know. there was a guy selling a laptop in front of safeway for dirt cheap. a good one to i think it was a dell. he scooped it up for like 250$ got home and there was a huge square tile similar to the size of a laptop wrapped in bubble.

Completely irrelevant

Didn't buy it from a company... bought it from some guy.... ?

In the parking lot. In the parket lot of a Safeway no less...
Why order that...just go to the store and buy it
....that's a rather expensive chance and they're probably not even going to believe that happened
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