bred is a stupid term yes but i can't stand the way people use the term holy grail
the holy grail is the cup Christ drink out of at the last supper and is one of a kind ,( only one )
now of course i know there is never just one pair of shoes made today but it should be the next closes thing like shoes that are super rare and super hardto
get like for example( OG air Jordan 1's , OG air Jordan 1 ajko , OG Jordan 3's , OG Jordan 4's white cement + black / red , OG Jordan5's , OG Jordan 6's white infrared + black infrared + carmines , OG Jordan 7's hares + bordeaux , OG Jordan 10 's Chicago's , OGJordan 11's Concords + black /red ) basically alot of your early OG Jordan 's and there are some new jordans that could be considered as well likefor exanple ( jordan limited 23's , jordan retro 1's china pack ) but only becuase they are so limited. these are shoes that are considered trueholy grails becuase they are so rare and not so easy to get not becuase they are your favorite .
it drives me crazy when i hear people say that a pair of jordan retro's are holy grails or that holy grail means your favorite shoe. if that is the casethen any shoe can be a holy grail
as long as it's your favorite shoe and as far as retro's go all you need is the money and you can get any retro you want just about any time you wantfor example ( i sold about 10 pairs of shoes from my collection this summer so i could get some money to get some shoes i didn't have and becuaseshoe's were selling so cheap becuase of the packs that came out this year
i didn't want to pass on them. now in about 6 weeks i replaced the 10 pairs i had sold for 7 pairs of really hot shoes and the shoes were jordan retro11's concords for$480 , spacejams for$450 , columbia's for $ 350 and black /red's for$330 and jordan retro 6's black infared's for$ 500and the 2000 olympic retro '6s for$460 also i got a pair of retro 4 lightning's for$250 ) now most people call these shoes holy grails and they aresweet shoe's but how can you call them grails if they are so easy to get with just a little bit of money. it's just not the samething.
i know some newbie's and some youngster's don't know and use the word to loosely but the real OG's and jordan heads from back in the dayshould know and the word should be used as a sign of having something rare and vintage , something special and only yours , one of a kind or very close toit.