what do u hate about the internet

I hate threads asking me what I hate about the internet.


For the most part, it's the pop-ups and bad grammar.
Credit spams to the e-mail account.

But Google is appreciated

Lack of improvement on cybersex.

You'd think by now a naked Bastitch is just a click away.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by chr1scross

I hate being distracted by the internet

be quiet while i check your recent posts, google you, and check if you have a myspace.

that pretty much...once something is out there its for good...its so easy to put anyone on blast...
The fact that I can't get off it...

And how it's really making us all computer dependent. nowadays u can communicate thru AIM/Facebook to arrange to meet up with ppl somewhere, back in theday you'd have to call em up...like, it's making us socially lazy, IMO.
i hate that i have to go to a computer to get the internet. if only there was a way for it to just pop up in our brains. now that would be SICK
all the hate. everyones always talking about what they dont like. Why does the web have to be such a negative place?
Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, pop-ups, bad grammar, the lack of an IQ test before you log on, the amount of people who take things too seriously, stalkers, junkemail, etc...

I remember when I barely started using the internet and junk email was non-existent and having to use ftp to upload images/files and what not. Boy times havechanged.

Anyone else remember when people who knew how to use a computer were considered nerds? lol. Now even the people at McDs have to learn to use a computer.
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