what do u do with old clothes you want nothing to do with anymore?

Dec 6, 2006
I got a ton of clothes i really want to get rid of... most of it i cant really sell online to get cash for. its driving me nuts looking at this stuff. anygood charities you know that pick stuff up? i dont wanna take it to some thrift store and have mold grow on it there
If they're in decent shape, I take them to the shelter. At least with a shelter, they won't try to make a profit from donations such as clothes andshoes.

Or pass em to my pops for work clothes, dude be mad fresh on the roof.
is they still look presentable, donate them
if they're not presentable i.e. deformed collars, ripped, then I cut them up and use them to clean the house.
2 be honest what im doing with my old clothes is sell em to my bum %#* friend this @!# bougth like every ugly shirt from me he thinks their fresh lol
i made like 75$$ from him ever since skool started lol
is there anyone that would pick up clothes to send to phillippines? Id def. do that, but i dont wanna pay $200 to ship that stuff there
Originally Posted by Mikeisoriginal

2 be honest what im doing with my old clothes is sell em to my bum %#* friend this @!# bougth like every ugly shirt from me he thinks their fresh lol
i made like 75$$ from him ever since skool started lol

yeah really. i peddly my stuff at school to people for pretty cheap.
Originally Posted by wildcard

Originally Posted by Mikeisoriginal

2 be honest what im doing with my old clothes is sell em to my bum %#* friend this @!# bougth like every ugly shirt from me he thinks their fresh lol
i made like 75$$ from him ever since skool started lol

yeah really. i peddly my stuff at school to people for pretty cheap.

jus wonderin, if its an ugly shirt whyd you have it in the first place???

its a come up either way, gd job
i don't like donating to the salvation army/goodwill, they end up selling and making money off all that anyway

I'd donate to one of the relief funds for disaster victims. Red cross has some drop offs for the earthquake/tsunami & flood victims overseas. Trylooking into those
Donate them usually, or if youre in desperate need of cash go to a store like crossroads and sell em, you get like 5 bucks an item i believe.
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