What defines you?

Nov 6, 2012
What helps you get up in the morning? What are you searching for? What defines you? Whether its the money, family or other ulterior motives. What kind of impact will you have in this world? Are you destined for greatness or will you settle for what you have. Lets know our why, and keep motivating each other to be great.

My why is this, Family above all and faith in God.
Money should not be one of your why's. It goes far beyond that.

Why do we emulate what celebrities do, and constantly obsess over what is going on TMZ.
Lets educate ourselves, define our own trends and live in prosperity.
Lets talk to ourselves, even if other people find it strange.

Be kind to others because it is easy, Being a jerk takes far more effort.

Lets do the impossible.

So NT what defines you?
I live to become a manifestation of my truest inner self, in appearance, actions and abilities. The et ceteras will come with the experience points...this ain't even my final form.
I ask myself everyday if I'd rather be right or I'd rather be happy.
I'd rather be right. I am a truth seeker.
I will never be satisfied bc my ultimate truth is that there's no such thing as perfect. BUT I STILL AIM FOR PERFECT bc I am okay with not being happy.

The reason I get up in the morning is because I am somebody. And one day everyone will know who I am.

I define me. My whole life I've been told I. Was weird and I hated myself for it. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and almost completely free from the judgement of others.

I don't know what I'm lookng for but I know I am searchin for something and if I can truly free myself from the shackles of society I know I will find it.

I am finally living for me. I was stuck in a teen angst mindset for along time but I feel like I'm 12 years old again. I'm over the teenage ******** and I'm getting closer to pure uninhibited purity of a child. I am very young at heart and I am content when I am working towards furthering my vitality and "reverse aging" I guess you could call it.
Out of reps. Dope thread.
This and the attractiveness thread are refreshing.
Our collective consciousness is so :pimp: right now
I live to become a manifestation of my truest inner self, in appearance, actions and abilities. The et ceteras will come with the experience points...this ain't even my final form.

I follow the law of attraction, but since I don't follow laws, I just do me. Stay positive, trust in the GOD in you and live the life you want to live.

As of right now my life is BORING as ****, but I feel great things are in my path.
God wakes me every morning.

What keeps me pushing? The possibility of reaching my dreams of becomes a strong, supportive black father that supports his immediate family/wife/future kids.

I don't want to be perfect. I actually take pride in my querks and imperfections. As long as my family and friends are good, life is good. God bless
i wake up every morning to one day wake up next to my beautiful healthy kids every morning, thats all i want in life, to be the father i wish i had
At this point in my life (21) I'm on a constant quest for wealth, as I would assume most people in the 19-25 range are. I'm half of a visual marketing/consulting team with my cousin and we've got our first real client this past week. Made $200 in about 15 minutes. :pimp: I'm not necessarily on a quest for love or knowledge per say, but I'm not pushing women away (got a shorty on deck now that I'm really digging) and I believe people learn new things everyday whether it be collectively over time or just an upfront lesson so I don't feel the need to crack open a new book every day. It's just that my main focus right now is wealth. It's the only thing I don't have at this point. I have friends/family, women will always be there, and I'm collecting knowledge via people and experiences.

The main thing defining me right now is my ambition and my work ethic. I tell myself everyday I need that 2016 M6. I tell myself everyday I don't have enough Balmain. I tell myself everyday I need a house so big it has it's own public transportation system. My cousin and I have the same dreams for the most part, he just wants a Ferarri. :lol: And he works even harder than I do. So I have faith in us.
Imaginary lines on a map and an involuntarily assimilated culture is a pretty unimpressive and superficial way to define oneself at the core of one's being.
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