What are your pet peeves?

Sep 13, 2004
A few of mine are...

-People who can't argue
-Unnecessary rhetorical questions
-Being cut off over and over
-DJ Khaleds voice

share yours
-radio stations only playing top 40
-parking a mile away from the store and some idiot passes up empty spots and parks next to me
-when my girl looks over my shoulder while i'm on the computer
-friday afternoon traffic
-the media
A female who is a 2 at best but believes shes a 9 or 10 at least
- Parking meters
- people who cant make up their mind at a drive-thru
- potholes
- jakes
- People who don't clean up after themselves (if you enter my kitchen after my brother left it you'd swear Powder came through)
- People who talk while their yawning
- People who try to get me to do things while I'm on lunch
- Snitches in the workplace

-people who sneeze and dont cover their mouth

This is more "things you hate" than pet peeves. But I'll play

-People who smack or just chew to hard with there mouth closed and it's still loud
-Dry Snitches
-People who ask to use your phone and start looking through it
-People that are wrong and still try to argue like they are right
-people who sneeze and dont cover their mouth
-people who cut their toe nails and let their nails fly everywhere
-flamboyant people
-fake people
helium voices,
old people smell,
ny knicks,
anyone in the show weeds who has had relations with ms. botwin
-people who have loud convos on the phone in public places like on trains,buses, usually places where its somewhat quiet(extremely rude)
-girls who are loud and obnoxious(shut up, damn...)
-elitists attitudes(your not ballin because you have gucci this or gucci that and drive a geo, give it up)
-not closing your mouth when eating(again where are your manners people????)
That Kaledthing bothered me so bad that I forgot to post my own, here goes:

* When people say they have to tell you something and then say never mind

*When I'm at work and I say to a customer "Hi how you doing can I help you find something" and theyreply "No,I'm just looking" and as soon as I turn around they go "let me ask you something"

*Forwarded text messages !!!!

Thats all I can think of at the moment, I'll post more later.
-ppl/women not saying thank you when i hold the door open for them
-yawning while i'm talking to them
-DJ Khaled doing them stupid/goofy facial expressions on videos. "this is a moo veeeee!!!"
-Dudes that wear fakes and think they stuntin, then try to look down on you.
-Tools with blutoof
-Women drivers.
-^ driving while talkin on the phone
-chipped toenail polish

-nosy ppl
-NYfly's posts
-the word 'sneakerhead'
- People who drive less then 70 in the fast lane.
- SUVs who take up more then one parking space
people on the road who dont signal while changing lanes/turning into...
people who drag their feet when they walk..
Nick Cannon...
racist/noobs people on Xbox Live..

mang there so many...
-Dudes who only want a dime but are no better then a 5 AT BEST ..lmao

-scruffy i havent shaved in a month lookin boys
-people who don't know that they stink
-people with bad breath who want to have a close conversation ...GTHOOMF
much much more.... way too many to list
People who chew their food for like 10 $!*%@+% minutes.

when its a dam small piece

when im 75+ weather, i get all mad for no reason
Originally Posted by AJChick23

-Dudes who only want a dime but are no better then a 5 AT BEST ..lmao

-scruffy i havent shaved in a month lookin boys
-people who don't know that they stink
-people with bad breath who want to have a close conversation ...GTHOOMF
much much more.... way too many to list

Whats the difference if they know or not?

As for me:

People on NT that repeat things that have already been stated multiple times, I can understand if you have read the last 5 posts and state it but 20 postsdown man come on.

Hypebeast , its more funny than an pet peeve

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