What Are You Bad At?

May 20, 2013
Despite the humble brags and ducktales, we can't be good at everything.
​ What are some things you are bad at or struggle with?

For me:

-Short-term memory: forgetting what I was doing, where I put things, etc. It's funny because my long-term memory is sharp

-Directions/road names

-Being decisive: it's to the point where my friends set timers on me if we're playing a turn-based game

-Names: I always play it off like it just slipped my mind or use lots of pronouns
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Not being competitive, it's weird as hell but even if I feel the slightest bit challenged I want to compete...definitely sucks for my gas mileage

Time management as well, I should be studying for my last final but I'm sitting here doing everything but...smh
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I'm with ya on the road names thing.
I'm probably the worlds worst pool player.
Being on time.
-Dealing with authority all throughout life.
-Smiling for no reason.
Directions, streets.  If someone is telling me where something is using street names, highways etc.  I can not visualize it, no matter how hard I try

not even my own neighborhood without a landmark
Them : "Take the interstate....get off on exit 22......

Me : "Hol up...hol up......whats it by???"

Every single time
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I've passed up my own street a few times, though I was probably in a rage at the time and just wasn't paying attenton
-Smiling for no reason.
dog. You would think this wouldn't be a bad thing.

until someone's saying some serious **** and you just start cheesing outta nowhere.

My girl will be arguing with me and i'll just be in the corner smiling for no damn reason.
Names, I won't remember a person's name until the third or fourth time I meet them unless it's a hot chick.

Singing, I am terrible but I still enjoy doing karaoke and making everybody at the establishment suffer through my terrible renditions of their favorite songs.

Cooking, I can only cook the basics of the basics. I would never feed other people the **** I make.
Relaxing. I'm wound up and stressed out all.the.damn.time

Settling. I'll never get married/have kids. I like independence and mobility too much.
dog. You would think this wouldn't be a bad thing.

until someone's saying some serious **** and you just start cheesing outta nowhere.

My girl will be arguing with me and i'll just be in the corner smiling for no damn reason.

I laugh when women are angry and yelling at me. I can't help it. I mean, should I be afraid? Not sure what I'm supposed to do. It's like the last time my mom whipped me with a belt. I just laughed and she had to stop. I was already a foot taller than her.
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Directions. I don't pay attention to streets or north, west, south, east type coordinates

Mental math. I need a calculator to add up like 17+18

Creating things on my own. I'm bad at creating lesson plans, or workout regimens, any sort of protocol for people to follow. I'm great at learning something and copying it word for word.

I suck at squats

I suck at doing things for people. I'm not that guy that's gonna come pick you up if you run outta gas. Don't call me in a pinch, I suck t being dependable.
I can be too apathetic at times, but tough to get down if you get me there.

Memory is already for **** but made even worse by my migraine meds, I randomly lose words and ****. Worth to be over that pain though.

Procrastination, my lifelong enemy.
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