what are millennial things that you believe Gen Z will kill off/not be as popular

Beruseruku Desu

Oct 10, 2018
some things off the top of my head:

-corporate culture
-phone calling people
-bars, micro brewery, wine, consumption.
-alcohol in general. gen z is the most sober generation
On a positive note....Baby Momma/Daddy Culture. Covid may have helped.
Really proud of Gen Z for straying away from drinking culture.

The older I get the more I realize how many problems in my life stemmed from alcohol, whether it was my consumption or the consumption of those around me.

I don’t think it’s because they necessarily don’t want to. I’ve read articles it’s because alcohol is too expensive and most gen z can’t afford to go to the bars as much. Gen z also smokes more weed than millennials if I remember correctly.


this only applies to americans as far as i know
I don’t think it’s because they necessarily don’t want to. I’ve read articles it’s because alcohol is too expensive and most gen z can’t afford to go to the bars as much. Gen z also smokes more weed than millennials if I remember correctly.


this only applies to americans as far as i know
I feel like this statement contradicts the first statement, but I'm sure it's multi-factorial.
hazing/bullying - I feel like we all need to go through it and find our way to overcome it. Kids these days have too many avenues to claim victim it’s going to lead to a lot of overly sensitive adults.
hazing/bullying - I feel like we all need to go through it and find our way to overcome it. Kids these days have too many avenues to claim victim it’s going to lead to a lot of overly sensitive adults.
In the good ol u s of a they overcome it by school mass shootings.
People will stop eating meat

Ethereum will be the only currency… and cryptocurrency

People will have tiny homes on big land plots

Every man and woman will be Superman/Clark Kent and Superwoman/Louise Lane… meaning everyone will have professional athlete talent in whatever craft they choose to focus on… while also simultaneously being very, very, book smart

A.I. solves all cold cases… and no more crime is committed
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