What advice would you give to the teenagers of today?

Apr 10, 2012
What advice would you give to the teenagers of today? Or imagine you were talking to a teenage version of yourself, what advice would you give?
man up 

disregard females, acquire currency
the generations before us lived totally different and stable lives. Life will be very different for teens of this generation. Make sure you are able to endure constant change.

And it's ok to like a borrowed trend...just pay homage to those who done it before u
Disregard women they will always be there, worry about putting yourself in a position of power.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Drake is not cool.

Don't go to college unless you're majoring in Engineering. At this point, it's a waste of time and money
Unless your tryin to get into Harvard dont stress too much about high school
Wait until you're at least 18 before smoking/drinking
Do awesome stuff while you still can
Originally Posted by Kramer

Unless your tryin to get into Harvard dont stress too much about high school
Wait until you're at least 18 before smoking/drinking
Do awesome stuff while you still can

What? Thats like saying don't even try and play basketball if you're not gonna make it to the league.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by Kramer

Unless your tryin to get into Harvard dont stress too much about high school
Wait until you're at least 18 before smoking/drinking
Do awesome stuff while you still can

What? Thats like saying don't even try and play basketball if you're not gonna make it to the league.

Not really.. That just means don't make it your life goal to get straight As cuz chances are you'll still get into a college and get the same degree as everyone else. Unless you're goin to harvard then you'll want to get straight As
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