Want to know what celeb stalking ******s think of shoe collectors?

i ant on no$*@*%!* welfare that %@%! sounds racest like a motha*+$*#!%. but this comment was funney "Gotta pay for that divorce somehow!" and withthe prices know it does make the company seem money hungry " hahahahahahaha Dr. Unga Bobby Ungo I would totally say you're being a racist if itwasn't true. This girl I work with who is totally on welfare just told me like an hr ago she's getting a pair for her son. Seriously like ten minsago." and how you work and still be on welfare they some !@*$@ ***#%!*%$#$.
!!%! %#%#+ !!%! %#%#+

i have a good sorce of income thats why i can spend $300 on a par of shoes.

and i know where thay can stick my **** in they mouth. (no#*!!+)
I could care less what people "think"
Thats whats wrong with America as we know it. Everybody cares what people "think"
Just live your life, buy things YOU like. Be your own person.
"You aint gotta lie to kick it homie"
My fav quote so far:

"MJ is a hottie and I'd do him in a second. As far as corp greed, I disagree. MJ deserves every cent he gets."

I see you at comment #24, NYG!

Man, Tara Reid doesn't look like herself lately.....lol

well done NY Giants 11

You're all a bunch of morons.

You spend your pathetic lifes following the everyday occurances of people you have and NEVER will meet, stalking their shopping paterns, dating theatrics, and family lives. WHO GIVES a crap about celebrities.

Kids do not get killed for their Air Jordans anymore. This isn't the 80's. Get your head out of your piss stained pants.

There are people in this wolrd who are DIE HARD shoe collectors - and there is also a subculture of people who resell them, for CRAZY profits. Don't knock it till you try it. Are any of these celebs making YOU money? Or just wasting your time. A limited shoe with a limited availability even makes you TMZ celebrity jock riders follow our addiction.

I hope you all get high off shoe glue smell!
It's all pathetic pretentious broads who live and die by what handbag lindsay lohan has. I'm gonna keep coppin' Js and doin my thing regardless ofwhat they think. If my parents can't get me to stop collecting, some mental ****** sure as hell can't
I could care less what people "think"
Thats whats wrong with America as we know it. Everybody cares what people "think"
Just live your life, buy things YOU like. Be your own person.
"You aint gotta lie to kick it homie"
C'mon these same people care enough about these worthless celebrities enough to be on TMZ all day...and their opinion is supposed to mean something to us?

How Ironic that comment #23 was the best post so far
I could care less what people "think"

Thats whats wrong with America as we know it. Everybody cares what people "think"

No. The problem isn't what people think of YOU, It's the fact that these comments are terrible blanket statements that are far from the truth.Stereotyping sneakerheads as ghetto, dope-dealing, willing murderers is ridiculous.
Boy, we sure have some interesting people in the U.S.. I left them a little something on their board. Let me know what you think.
35. You honkies just can't let black people have nothing! I have seen a few whites wearing jordons in my life time... what makes you think that only people on welfare and drug dealers where jordons... RACIST MUTHA****** GOD sees your heart! You can't hide behind a computer screen forever...I am a black female and most of my friends are white... but coming to TMZ makes me want to fire all of there asses. ARE ALL WHITE FOLKS LIKE THIS???? I just can not believe how stupid and RACIST you guys sound... Hell I'm sure you'll spend more than $200 on your meth addictions, or better yet on your tanning addictions. Just think about it you fry your skin and end up with cancer and big wreckles just to fit in... whats the difference if a black kid wants to be like MIKE! Some of you wish you had darker skin and fuller lips... You pay for that right?? ( boob jobs, tanning, lip injections, butt implants etc).... to each its own!!! NOT EVERYBODY THAT PURCHASE JORDAN'S ARE ON WELFARE OR ARE DRUG DEALERS!!!!!!!!!!! And if I remember correctly someone said somrthing about METH!!!! Yall no good and well that METH is a white folk drug!!!!!! And where would you Meth Heads be without your drug dealer?? Probably tryin to cook it up your damn self!!! Freakin Red neck trailor trash hgonkies!!! How do u like that?? U ALLLLLLLL are racist! I will probably hit the next white trash I see! Don't be up set with us cause we don't where old worn out chuck tailors I'd rather have a pair of jordans anyday!!! HEY WHITE TRASH???? Your mommas gettin holes in her face from all the METH think about saving some money to patch that%+*% up!!!!!!
Posted at 2:01PM on Jan 9th 2008 by ME my SELF and I
Well said Bo55Diesel.

As for the Me my SELF and I, well, don't fight fire with fire. You sound just as ignorant as the people you are clling ignorant. There is a lot of irony inyour rambling.
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