
Oct 25, 2007
@ you guys complaining about not going to the championship game, You guyseffin lost to STANFORD for criss sakes. Your team havent played anybody noteworthy to even be considered for the bcs title game, hell the only reason theTrojans aren't playing in the holiday bowl is because of injureis to Dixon. Ya'll just better be happy with the rose bowl, and prepare for the!%@@kicking that the Illini are gonna put on ya overrated!%@@ squad.
off urself
and keep this thread alive after we win the Rose Bowl
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

@ USC even being in the top 10, you condom fans better be glad y'all even going to the rose bowl (thanks to a dixon injury), knowing damn well you should of been out the top 25 losing to Stanford.
I cant wait till SC gets exposed (by either Georgia or Illinois) once again in the Rose Bowl.
ur the only one crying about this in every thread
it was only 1 of there fans crying about it. either way get your flame suit before this gets locked up.
i still think usc would have been in the rose bowl even if dixon stays healthy. they would have been second in the pac and got an at large bid.
@ you guys complaining about not going to the championship game, You guys effin lost to STANFORD for criss sakes. Your team havent played anybody noteworthy to even be considered for the bcs title game, hell the only reason the Trojans aren't playing in the holiday bowl is because of injureis to Dixon. Ya'll just better be happy with the rose bowl, and prepare for the!%@@ kicking that the Illini are gonna put on ya overrated!%@@ squad.

This kid is so unknowledgable and ignorant, that there is no point in dissecting his stupid rant.....

I'm with JMIB on this one.
Only you a noobie. I think people know by now, what the BCS is about. To me, there's no such thing as a national title due to the system. IT isn't evena playoff style. So any team that's been named to their respectable bowl games, have reached it !!! So winning their respectable bowl games is good enough.LSU ? Come on !! They lost pitifully in triple oT> OHIO will proally destroy 'em. But there's plenty good team.s
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

@ you guys complaining about not going to the championship game, You guys effin lost to STANFORD for criss sakes. Your team havent played anybody noteworthy to even be considered for the bcs title game, hell the only reason the Trojans aren't playing in the holiday bowl is because of injureis to Dixon. Ya'll just better be happy with the rose bowl, and prepare for the!%@@ kicking that the Illini are gonna put on ya overrated!%@@ squad.
LOL! You stay hating anything LA in all your threads. What's that all about? (Dr. Phil) The point I'm trying to make is that none of thisadds up. (/Dr.Phil) I'm fine w/ the Rose Bowl b/c I get to watch them beat Illinois without having to leave the county. I only hope you put this muchpositive energy into things you like.
So if injuries are the only reason oregon isnt int he rose bowl...can we say injuries are the only reason we lost to Stanford
What a loser. You have the gull to talk about folks crying and in your post all I see is tears.

Just keep hating. It only makes USC better.
..can we say injuries are the only reason we lost to Stanford

Come on dude, it's still Stanford.
USC has one of the deepest teams talentwise in the country, definitely deep enough to beat the worst team in thePAC 10.

At the same time did this really deserve its own thread?
I agree with everything except Illinois killing USC that is not going to happen. USC has beaten no one but they still are gonna beat Illinois or at leastshould, but with this season you never know.
that pic is uncalled for.

but...if you used injuries as an can blame that on the loss to Stanford as well..

so your argument=moot point.
Like I explained in the other post Stanford isn't Appalachian St. Yes My Golden Bears lost to them as well but that doesn't mean I think Stanford isgood(only brought it in cuz someone brought it up in another thread), but they are no slouches. Granted if you're that good, you gotta beat them. You guysdon't give them enough credit..they !@*%#+! suck, but they're not that bad.
I'm starting to notice that the thread starter likes to create threads in regards to crying about other teams.

First he cries about the Lakers being on national tv too much, now he's crying about SC fans.

Either he has something against So Cal or he just likes to whine a lot.
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