UPS and FEDEX Unappreciation Post ... Delivery ppl are the opps

Feb 9, 2013
Im sure we all have some stories about UPS and Fedex. IMO there a consistent problem with deliveries when the item is come from a place young people fw ( if the box says, sony or finsihline or whatever). In past month I've had A UPS driver knock on my door and when I opened it there was nothing there no box and no "pick up your package" slip . I had to run down on that fool before he left and ask for it and he says "oh let me get it one moment."

Earlier This week I had my stockx Xbox delivery "lost" until I called in and file that lost item report and all of a sudden they find it. Then today I had a package of am90s that were scheduled to be delivered 2m but all of a sudden they mark it as delivered today and the sneakers are nowhere in sight. the UPS investigator said the clown delivered to the wrong place. yeah ... we'll see... These people trigger me and I daydream of just stealing one in the face if he looks like he wears sneakers, just because they act like the enemy. I know im not the only one getting shafted. What y'all got?
Im sure we all have some stories about UPS and Fedex. IMO there a consistent problem with deliveries when the item is come from a place young people fw ( if the box says, sony or finsihline or whatever). In past month I've had A UPS driver knock on my door and when I opened it there was nothing there no box and no "pick up your package" slip . I had to run down on that fool before he left and ask for it and he says "oh let me get it one moment."

Earlier This week I had my stockx Xbox delivery "lost" until I called in and file that lost item report and all of a sudden they find it. Then today I had a package of am90s that were scheduled to be delivered 2m but all of a sudden they mark it as delivered today and the sneakers are nowhere in sight. the UPS investigator said the clown delivered to the wrong place. yeah ... we'll see... These people trigger me and I daydream of just stealing one in the face if he looks like he wears sneakers, just because they act like the enemy. I know im not the only one getting shafted. What y'all got?

These are just people doing they jobs.

Your not that important for them to intentionally **** you.

I live in the stix. Never happens to me. Left my Nikes on the porch for a week cus I was on vacay. Nobody really steals out here so the workers in the supple chain got the same vibes and dont either.

But in cities, more people, more more opportunities for theft. People chalk it up to, " it happends," so more workers are inclinded to do it .

My boy worked for UPS and had a list of things he would "shop" for. Ipads, PSPs, phones. He felt he was robbing companies, not people. ( Robbin is robbin, folks. Dont matter how you try to justify it.) But he told me how hed buss up packages and be havin phones in his shoes, ducking from cameras and what not. Sad life.
Only (somewhat) bad experience I had with UPS was when I was trading beer with another NT'er back in the day. It was around 2013 and I was trading with someone on the west coast for a bunch of Pliny the Elder bottles. I had a mix of about 16 different cans/bottles of beer that I was shipping off to him, but he got a notification saying the package was damaged in transit. They still ended up delivering the package in its original box that showed no damage from liquids leaking out and the package was otherwise totally intact minus one bottle of beer. :lol:
Never had any trouble with UPS, so no good stories to tell. Just use drop off points or change the delivery to pick up in store if you're having issues with drivers in your area.
Luckily never had any problems with shoes coming from Nike or the 4 footstores. A couple delays but that's about it. All from UPS. But other places that use Fed Ex... I've had problems with including one right now with a package that was due wed but been stuck in Phoenix since last Friday. Only running shoes so no problem. Just gotta call tomorrow (72 hours past delivery date) for a refund or reship. Fed ex also has some glitchy tracking. 4 times I've had it say delivered (always around noon) but they showed up hours later in the day. The first 2 times I thought I got porch swiped. The last 2 I just figured it was another glitch which it was.

Also consider the logistics. Millions of packages are shipped everyday, there's bound to be a good amount that get lost, damaged, or delivered somewhere by accident just based on the high volume of numbers alone. No system is perfect.
These are just people doing they jobs.

Your not that important for them to intentionally **** you.

Also have people with real flaws like any other job, some incompetent or those that really steal, especially Fedex. I dread anything from them where I can't make changes to the delivery.
i think we gonna see more videos of drivers getting beat up, pressed etc etc. These MFs be risking fed jail time for material ****...
Ups isn’t the opps man, my delivery driver signs my signature stuff for me and hides it in my yard. That’s love.

if anything Amazon is the opps because they can’t hire enough people due to them being a trash company so the extra work gets pushed onto the other shippers and they are over worked.
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