Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread

Nov 16, 2018
I'll go 1st:
1. Football is just okay to watch & ppl overly evolved in it tend to be dumb.

2. Everyone on this NT is a slave to capitalism via marketing.

3. It's okay to be comfortable w/ telling someone that they're making u uncomfortable.

4. People that often complain about ppl being sensitive tend to be more sensitive.

5. Human babies are an uninteresting, useless, & time consuming task until they begin to crawl.

6. Working in cubicles for hours on in is against nature.

7. (Step) Family member Pino is out of control. Why has it even become so popular?

8. Trump made watching political stuff fun.

9. I have absolutely no grasp on the meaning of life. Life grows (age) just to shrink (age).

10. You're not as unique as you think, you're just another person that thinks like you.
Sneaker aficionados predate the existence of Nike/Air Jordan. Baseball is boring to play, unless you are at bat. Hennessy is overrated, White women are as well. Nightclubs of the 90’s in NYC > Lounges in this day. Drug dealing> Stock Brokers. Anal sex, like screwing an innertube.
Baseball is boring to play, unless you are at bat
I see the argument for baseball being boring, but i think being the pitcher is more fun than being at bat.

The pitcher controls the game.
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