Two Male Homosexuals fighting on a freeway with traffic VID

Was that you kevin2nd?
Originally Posted by washanobotit

Dunno why... I saw the title and thought the video was going to be 1000x funnier

same, I expected to hear them yelling or something. It just looks like 2 people fighting.
Originally Posted by purplenurple1414

Originally Posted by washanobotit

Dunno why... I saw the title and thought the video was going to be 1000x funnier

same, I expected to hear them yelling or something. It just looks like 2 people fighting.
Me too
I've never seen an 3F wasn't as funny as I expected...I see better at least once a week around my way...
Dunno why... I saw the title and thought the video was going to be 1000x funnier

Word, I expected some Cheppelle's Show Friday Night Sissy Fights type of
C'mon I should have expected better

Dunno why... I saw the title and thought the video was going to be 1000x funnier

the hell ya'll expecting???...title says ON a FREEWAY with traffic.....since when have you ever seen up close footage of doods fighting on a US freewayWITH Traffic (other than a movie)?

does it matter that theyre homosexual?

just sayin...i mean, if someone said something about black people, 95% of the post would be NTers catchin feelings..
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