To those that took public speaking in college, what grade did you make?

May 12, 2019
I made a D... I missed the final presentation because my flash drive crashed which made me late to class that morning and I couldn't get in
I remember one of my speeches was on Aaron Rodgers and how he was the best QB in the league :rofl:
A public speaking class? That's a thing?

Apparently at my university, it was a required pre-requisite for all freshman.

In my class they just had us do 5 different types of speeches in front of the school.

It was helpful. Speaking in front of 300+ people can be frightening. And it’s a little different than when you were in high school.
I dropped my speaking class. I got yelled at by the teacher on the 1st day because I sat in the wrong chair. He looked miserable even before that happened and it wasn’t a good way to start the day :ohwell:
Public speaking was a requirement when I started undergrad. Surprised it seems so foreign to people.

I got a B I think.

It did help to break the ice for me, but I didn’t really get my crash course until I was giving speeches to hundreds of people at a time for work.
Humble brag but I got an A. It was freshman year, in the basement of a lecture hall and it was at like 8AM. Brutal.

Professor was super cool. Taught me a lot which I still use today. I'm also positive he was drunk or hungover 80% of the time and he was in the process of getting a mail order bride from the Philippines.
Think l got a B. The professor was a headcase and everyone let her have it on the course survey at the end of the year. Not sure but I think they let her go.
I got an A. I stumbled over a few lines , but i had passion like 2Pac

Funny you say this. I ended up with a B because my final presentation was a speech on media bias and rap lyrics. I used Pac as the main example. Got to the end, and the professor said "nice speech, but rap isn't music to me." Downgraded me because of my subject matter. Still mad about it to this day. :angry:
Funny you say this. I ended up with a B because my final presentation was a speech on media bias and rap lyrics. I used Pac as the main example. Got to the end, and the professor said "nice speech, but rap isn't music to me." Downgraded me because of my subject matter. Still mad about it to this day. :angry:

I've had some jerk teachers before. When they get old and comfortable, their usually cocky
A public speaking class? That's a thing?

Yea they didnt offer this at any level of my education. I had to learn how to give lectures and presentations on my own. Maybe thats why my students and residents keep falling asleep.
Yea they didnt offer this at any level of my education. I had to learn how to give lectures and presentations on my own. Maybe thats why my students and residents keep falling asleep.

Damn, no "speech" classes anywhere along the way? Like a couple of others have said, it was a required course for me.
Damn, no "speech" classes anywhere along the way? Like a couple of others have said, it was a required course for me.

We had classes with presentations and discussions which were part of our grade but no straight speech class. If you were bad at it thats on you. :lol:
We had classes with presentations and discussions which were part of our grade but no straight speech class. If you were bad at it thats on you. :lol:

Hahaha! Wonder what made this a requirement at some places, but not others? I just always assumed it was a normal thing.
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