to kill a mouse

Sep 1, 2007
I live in a townhouse with my family. We had a mouse a few months ago but had every opening sealed and poison/traps layed down. We havent seen anything in months. I actually found the lil #%*%#% dead in the attic but didnt tell her. We got the radiosonic joints thats supposed to drive them away. I do believe my neighbor has a cat. We aren't getting one b/c of the kids' allergies.

Fast forward to today...she finds a dropping again. Now she is livid and I'm miserable.

For those of you that have had the problem, how do you end it for good? My  only option is to find a tenant and go rent somewhere else. No real idea on how long that would take.
I thought this was just a problem in the winter months? Mice will find a way in if there is one and it's really hard to completely prevent them from entering considering how many spots you'd have to meticulously inspect.

use a old fashion snap trap. Then put panty hose(sp?) around a little piece of peanut butter. put that on the trap. Got rid of my mouse problem in a day
okay i need a lil more than get a broom, i damn near wanna just burn the place down. i swear its always something
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Get a broom, s-curl, and start crip walking.

If this thread went any more than 3 replies without a reference to this, I would have logged out of NT forever.
i thought that video was taken down cuz of animal control or whatever
glad its back on youtube
go to target and get some glue traps. then sprinkle some rice grains on them. no lie, I caught 4 of them in one night.

only target's glue traps have worked for me.
Mice HATE the smell of peppermint.

Get some peppermint extract, spray it around areas u think they can come from.

Buy these


Crush them up, sprinkle them in corners, behind things, etc.

Also buy mint scented garbage bags, it will keep them away from ripping through the bags.
Came in here just to see that vid. Back when NT was poppin. Middle of the summer and dudes knew they'd miss something if they hit the beach poppin 
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