To all serious artist only!!!

Jun 19, 2005
When your putting in work, staying on your grizzy, do you think about the contracts that other artist are getting.  For example when I first started going hard in 2008 that was after the boy :

had a $100,000,000 net worth in forbes.  That had a real big influence on me cuz I started working out staying shape and studied the music more frequently so I could get me some, and be like the dude fif naw mean.  In sports you always hear about the contracts that athletes are acquiring.  So my question is what is the driving force to your grind, is it the love of the art, or is the the dollar dollar bill yall!!!
In my opinion, the material people put out will depend on their drive/motives. Right now I am a Marine on active duty, yeah it's a steady job, and I'm able to see the world, but I'm not sure if it's my passion. I do know I wanated to serve my country, and I've done that. Now I want to pursue my passion. I want to make real music, all the hours, cups of coffee, crumpled up pieces of paper, i want my heart and soul to go into my tracks. Because I love hip-hop. If i end up getting paid from it then that's a plus. I wouldn't ever have to work again.
I never think about the contracts when working on music because my music is based off my life and my life is priceless. Would it be nice if I was getting paid for creating something I love? Yea but if it never happens im fine with that because it's more to me than a dollar. In the end if your truly passionate about your music it will show and others will recognize that. To answer your question tho, it's the love of the art that pushes me to continue writing.
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