Tips on passing a drug test?

Mar 2, 2010
I have a job interview w/ CVS on Monday and I think I'm gonna get drug tested.
Can someone give me detailed tips on how to get rid of the THC in my body by monday @ 3:00 PM

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

use someone else's pee, that's wat I did.
honestly..this may be your best bet...
the detox drinks at GNC and headshops are #***
drinking a crapload of water is useless, as THC is FAT soluble
yup. stop using.

and if you do use, at least look for a job that doesnt drug test. or if you know you need a job, you should of stopped months ago.

go get a nice restaurant job.
there so many types of test now that the only safe way is to just stay off drugs

they do random test at my job and they switched it from the urine test to the hair strand test

i just quit because i like my financial freedom more than getting high
If you must know I smoke like once/2 wks... if that.
I smoked about 1.5 weeks ago and I plan on stopping if I get a job, but when I applied for this job I applied to Start in June, not May... So I figured the interview would be in June, not the day after I applied.
Originally Posted by milkandcookies

If you must know I smoke like once/2 wks... if that.
I smoked about 1.5 weeks ago and I plan on stopping if I get a job, but when I applied for this job I applied to Start in June, not May... So I figured the interview would be in June, not the day after I applied.
you thought they were just gonna wait until you were ready to interview you? 


depending on the job even if you do start in June it might take that long to actually get hired and fill out the paper work and go through a background check...
Has Cranberry juice worked for anyone???
I just read that if I drink like a gallon of H20 + a few cups of Cranberry juice on the day of the test I should be good...

can anyone confirm this??

or should I drink a gallon of Cranberry juice like flash80 said?
Originally Posted by milkandcookies

Has Cranberry juice worked for anyone???
I just read that if I drink like a gallon of H20 + a few cups of Cranberry juice on the day of the test I should be good...

can anyone confirm this??

or should I drink a gallon of Cranberry juice like flash80 said?
Yes Cranberry Juice worked for me. I smoked frequently and I quit three days before my test. Drank a bunch of cranberry juice the night before the test. Drank water when I woke up. Took my first piss at home, and my second piss in that sample. The cranberry juice doesn't clean your system, just some of your urine. I think thats how it works because if you tested me the next day I bet I would have failed.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

A gallon of milk right before the interview should do the trick.
whoa whoa...
I thought THC is fat soluble so it is attracted to lipids.

Therefore wouldn't drinking milk attract THC ???
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