Tiger Woods admits to 'Infidelity' and loses another endorsement "Accenture"

Dec 10, 2001
Tiger Woods has just announced he'll be taking a hiatus from golf -- and for the first time, he admits to acts of "infidelity."

Woods just released the following statement on his website:

"I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children. I want to say againto everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness. It may not be possible to repair the damage I've done, but I want to do my best to try.

I would like to ask everyone, including my fans, the good people at my foundation, business partners, the PGA Tour, and my fellow competitors, for theirunderstanding. What's most important now is that my family has the time, privacy, and safe haven we will need for personal healing.

After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf. I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father,and person.

Again, I ask for privacy for my family and I am especially grateful for all those who have offered compassion and concern during this difficult period."

Tiger Woods won't be telling American men about close shaves anymore -- Gillette is officially phasing him out of theirads

The company -- owned by perennially G-rated Procter & Gamble -- has announced it's phasing Tiger out of its ads while he sorts out hispersonal life. Translation -- they're dumping him.

Gillette is the first major sponsor to cut and run from the famed golfer.

Tiger Woods has been dropped as a spokesman by Accenture, a global management services company that featured Woods very prominently inits ads.

The company released a statement that reads in part: "Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, after careful consideration and analysis, thecompany has determined that he is no longer the right representative for its advertising. Accenture said that it wishes only the best for Tiger Woods and hisfamily."

Gillette announced earlier this weekend they were phasing Woods out of its ad campaigns. Nike, on the other hand, is standing by their multimillion-dollar man.
Forget all that

dude should just take a break from being "Tiger Woods" and just do him

Party, do all that millionare nonsence, peeps act like Tiger owes them something for being human

dammit tiger

dammmmmmmmnn you
Maybe it's just me But Whats the BIG %@$+!!@ DEAL? Alot of men cheat. He got caught. *Kanye Shrug*
Cheating spouses never think of the kids, how can they never think about the kids, especially if you are famous?
I don't think this is the right move at all.

If this lasts long, I predict a lot of "What could Tiger have been?"'s.

Really sad.
damn man even though he's richer than 99% of the world will ever be, i still kinda feel bad for tiger.

the media just would not let this man live and it's a shame how this just won't go away despite waaaay more important issues in the world.. whateverhappened to things that happen between couples staying between them?
i think tiger needed this to happen. guy was too robotic now he will have emotions and stand for something.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Although he's in the public eye and it's probably inevitable, I thinkit's quite pathetic how people are into this dudes private matters. I'm pretty sure the media coverage etc turned this into a bigger issue for thisguy. C'mon, they even have paparazzi following the chicks he smashed and asking them stupid !%% questions? Just more fuel to the fire for Tiger and hiswife. +*+% the fame, just give me the money.[/color]
I didn't know he had children....he should've stayed single and do the Bruce Wayne playboy thing
dddddaaaaaaamnnnnnnnnn, golf without tiger woods?

Time for me to come up
Every single day there is new news about this story. Tiger needs to be left alone already. I dont condone his cheating but media is having a field day with allthe stories.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Every single day there is new news about this story. Tiger needs to be left alone already. I dont condone his cheating but media is having a field day with all the stories.
tiger was too squeaky clean. u know damn well the media was gonna squeeze every inch of this
plus when you make that much money, you should be allowed to do watever u please. i mean seriously how can you expect a star athlete with endless cash flow tobe faithful? does she really think she was that special? &*^&^ please
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Every single day there is new news about this story. Tiger needs to be left alone already. I dont condone his cheating but media is having a field day with all the stories.
tiger was too squeaky clean. u know damn well the media was gonna squeeze every inch of this
plus when you make that much money, you should be allowed to do watever u please. i mean seriously how can you expect a star athlete with endless cash flow to be faithful? does she really think she was that special? &*^&^ please
I couldn't agree more with these 2 statements... this is just proof Tiger is human and black still
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Every single day there is new news about this story. Tiger needs to be left alone already. I dont condone his cheating but media is having a field day with all the stories.
I honestly and truly DO NOT CARE.

Like... I really don't.

Not even a tiny little bit.

When the story VERY FIRST BROKE... "ONOEZ! Th3 Tiger wuz in a car wreck! He's fine, but it was @ 3am!! Wethinks Tiger cheated!!'... my care meterwas barely moving.

I didn't care at first. I don't care now.

And every time hear/read 'the latest' (like this thread), I leave thinking 'Cool. I guess.'

I mean... he makes oodles and loads and tons of money. If you honestly thought he was a faithful husband, honestly, I don't know what to tell you.Celebrities live different lives than us. People on our level (guys and girls), when we stay faithful, it's partly because we value commitment, butlet's be real: it's also partly because there haven't been any options that have come along that we thought was worth getting caught over. We havefriends at work flirt with us that everyone thinks is hot, but we don't have European supermodels hitting us up like 'Hey, anytime you want a breakfrom that wife I see you on t.v. with, hit me up.'

These athletes have exactly that, and there are very few of them that I would genuinely be shocked at if I learned they were unfaithful. Right off the top,only AC Green and David Robinson.

And even THEN, man... I still don't think I would be floored. I'd be shocked for a millisecond then think 'See? Ain't none of these dudesfaithful. Let's all stop being shocked about these stories.'
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Forget all that

dude should just take a break from being "Tiger Woods" and just do him

Party, do all that millionare nonsence, peeps act like Tiger owes them something for being human

dammit tiger

dammmmmmmmnn you

I've been saying that since the beginning. Everyone isn't as shocked when it's someone else.
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