This Migrant Crisis is going to Lead to further division and infighting amongst the poor demographic of America

Mar 21, 2010
At this point i'm convinced that politicians are continuing to pour funding into this broken *** system for no other reason than to cause more animosity & division amongst the poor/working class. Moving in migrants from all over the world &bringing them in with no training, no education, no jobs, no stable income etc etc & then placing them in direct contact with communities that have been abandoned & overlooked for decades in America. Communities that are already lacking jobs, already overcrowded, already lacking opportunities & now the government has continued to pour tax dollars into migrants, while also not giving them a fair shot thus having them infringing on the poor class that's already here.

This is going to spiral into something worse if actual solutions aren't found.
It artificially keeps labor costs low and to your point furthers division and keeps the eye off the ball of wealth disparity (our true #1 issue imo)

Republicans use dog whistles and racism to illustrate their point and therefore miss the core issue here as well in part to appeal to their base (also in their best interests for voters)

I think everyday moderates and even left leaning dems are starting to come around on this issue, Canada has an imperfect system, but a whole lot better than ours
It artificially keeps labor costs low and to your point furthers division and keeps the eye off the ball of wealth disparity (our true #1 issue imo)

Republicans use dog whistles and racism to illustrate their point and therefore miss the core issue here as well in part to appeal to their base (also in their best interests for voters)

I think everyday moderates and even left leaning dems are starting to come around on this issue, Canada has an imperfect system, but a whole lot better than ours

I don't have any singular clue how this is going to be fixed tho, We have an entire underclass that already can't afford the bare necessities, and now we're bringing people from outside of this country & giving them the bare minimum while completely ignoring the request of those who were born here & still struggling. Then your moving them all in the same neighborhoods that are already high on crime.... the whole plan or lack of one is a complete ******* mess.
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