The worst day of your life....

Apr 8, 2006
I was asked to describe the worst day I've ever had to live.
Un(fortunately) I cut-out negative experiences like loose ends, and take from them what I needed to. Therefore I wasn't able to answer the question

hm..any funeral I've been to is sad but I don't know about the worst day of my life. Maybe the time I passed out in the street and my friend startedbawling her eyes out because she thought I was dead. Then I got picked up and I passed out in my brothers car..which broke down. FAIL
i had helped my ex get one of them loans from payday advance in like july. it was in my name/bank info, so she would give me the 300 and i would reloan againfor her. that went on for a couple months. then in oct she didnt have the money, so she was making payments. she didnt make a payment so they tried to take themoney out of my account. the morning of nov 7, i had got paid (direct deposit) and they had took the money that was owed out of my account. 300 something, thatwas basically my whole check. i went to her house, cursing and what not telling her to give me the money and what not. made her cry or whatever. so i wasthinking the whole day how i was going to get money to pay bills i had. but i had brushed everything off, because at the beginning of the week i had got a g1so i was geeked. i go to work later that night, and we get %%@+%*+ robbed
took my g1 i aint even have for a week, wallet, keys, etc. that was the one of theworst days of my life. didnt get the money from her or the money for my phone until i got fired in march

lost my whole paycheck in the morning, then got robbed later that night.
I've had a lot of really bad days, too many to remember. But last 2 weeks ago was one of the most stressful and traumatizing weeks of my life. I thinkliterally aged like 5 years in that one week.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've had a lot of really bad days, too many to remember. But last week was one of the most stressful and traumatizing weeks of my life. I think literally aged like 5 years in that one week.
Don't tell me your mechancial arm wouldn't re attach???????
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've had a lot of really bad days, too many to remember. But last week was one of the most stressful and traumatizing weeks of my life. I think literally aged like 5 years in that one week.
Don't tell me your mechancial arm wouldn't re attach???????
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I was asked to describe the worst day I've ever had to live.
Un(fortunately) I cut-out negative experiences like loose ends, and take from them what I needed to. Therefore I wasn't able to answer the question

Same. I do remember one day though and it taught me a great deal about myself and how to avoid bad days.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

The day my grandfather died

I feel you on that... My grandfather died the day after christmas. He just cooked his annual christmas dinner for the family and he and my grandmother weregoing to vegas on the 27th.

The day the love of my life got married to someone else, that she is not in love with.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've had a lot of really bad days, too many to remember. But last 2 weeks ago was one of the most stressful and traumatizing weeks of my life. I think literally aged like 5 years in that one week.
i feel you
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