The weather has been weird vol. Global Warming is real


Apr 8, 2009
Over the past few years I've noticed it hasn't been snowing as much as it used to, but this year has been the worst yet. 

Last week was really warm, like summer warm.trees are blooming, i'm seeing frogs, and bugs out. next winter will probably be like summer the whole time.

Mayans predicted things would get weird around 2012. They probably based the calendar on the seasons, and now is when the seasons get *!@@ 
Originally Posted by vezon


That & your avi
the worst winters in my area since i've been around were in the late '70's/'early '80's

please tell me how this fits into your ad hoc theory
thank you
we barely had a winter here in TX. it's probably gonna be 200 degrees this summer
my body is not ready...
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

we barely had a winter here in TX. it's probably gonna be 200 degrees this summer
my body is not ready...

If I go to basic in the summer in TX my body won't be ready either bruh
Still VERY cool up in NW WA.

Seems like the Pacific NW is the only part of the country that hasn't seen 60+ deg days yet. 
look at the whole history of conciousness. we have maybe 5,000 years worth of 'records' through various books, journals, diaries, scrawlings on cave walls.... maybe 200 years of good relevant scripted record keeping. maybe 50 years of relevant weather record keeping.

now think, the whole world is approximately 4.5 billion years old. 4,500,000,000 years old. now do a quick mathematical calculation 50/4,500,000,000 = anyone that thinks they know anything about global warming has no friggin idea what they're talking about.
funny thing is, when the mayans created their calendar, it didn't include leap years. We are way past 2012 lol in mayan years
Originally Posted by Resist

funny thing is, when the mayans created their calendar, it didn't include leap years. We are way past 2012 lol in mayan years

Was about to say this
it's supposed to be summer over here, and it's raining fairly hard every day. Not really complaining much, though, except for the damn heavy traffic that comes with it.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by Resist

funny thing is, when the mayans created their calendar, it didn't include leap years. We are way past 2012 lol in mayan years

Was about to say this
i read they did something for leap years in their calender. wish i can remember wthh it said
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