The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating

Oct 13, 2001
For all You, "I don't see color" or, "Why does everything have to be about race" dudes how do you explain this?

Someone post the article/Graphics please. I am on mobiles.
Clearly it looks that women are seeking out white men for purpose of either “financial security” or they figured their race pool is lacking of quality.

These men seeking out Asian is most likely fetishizing (exotic desires) or the ideal they’re more submissive (borderline subservient).
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Gonna need something a little more concrete than yes or skip before I go adopting these generalizations. Monitor heart rate, arousal, tone of voice etc. Response means nothing lots of people aren't honest about their true preferences.
Gonna need something a little more concrete than yes or skip before I go adopting these generalizations. Monitor heart rate, arousal, tone of voice etc. Response means nothing lots of people aren't honest about their true preferences.
I would add political affiliations to this list as well. Well known fact that most WHITE MEN are conservatives which explains a lot.
Black women are my preference but if I vibe with another woman that’s not black then I really don’t give af about what someone else think don’t put too much emphasis on “dating apps” cause y’all know what you find In there anyways.
What’s even more disturbing is the low interest for black men by all women of different race.
Lots of layers to it. Centuries of programming. It's partly a status thing, if nothing more than subconsciously. The fact that this is considered a Christian country and Jesus is portrayed as white has something to do with it to in my opinion.
I don't see the trend as much anymore but years ago l noticed that many NBA players oldest kid is black and the rest of them are mixed.
They’re manipulating the numbers to suppress Asian men, in today’s dating world if you’re not an Asian man it’s pretty much over, you’re left with bottom of the barrel women.

I missed the online dating surge, but I am an Asian male and had a migente profile back in the day:lol: And outside of my wife, I’ve only ever dated Latina women my entire life so at least that part of this graph, I can buy.
jaypesoz jaypesoz What do you think it is about Asian Men wanting Latino Women? Legit asking because that was an interesting pairing.

Hmmm, I’ll have to give this some thought because I’ve always just had a type back then. I’m as surprised about that part of the article as you must be. But this look just does it for me:lol:


Asian dude checking in. Get the most success in terms of matching online from Latino and black women. No idea why.
Also seen a surge of kpop fans in recent years who want Asian men.
occupation: provide
presentation: looks
conversation: chemistry

I’m a black male. My success stories were solid. I don’t care if you’re green. You’re gonna succeed. I always made good money, dressed well, and knew how to maneuver with the opposite sex.

This study is too macro in the findings. So many outliers that aren’t and could be equated. I would like to see a micro breakdown of major city vs smaller city, religion, occupations, etc.
Who cares? Date who you WANT. Most these people are socially awkward anyway. Anyone who strictly relies on dating apps or social media to get laid is a dweeb.

Go outside. Mingle, interact, network. Online dating apps isn’t going to cure your awkwardness.

I don’t date outside my race (I’m black) but I am all for interracial dating. Let people date who they want.

The older you get, the more baggage you have. If you’re in your late 20s, 30s and 40s and still looking, of course the pickings are slim.

That data doesn’t even include the amount of kids.

If you’re a person with no, or one kid and you’re about to date a woman with 3, 4 or 5+ kids you are dumb as hell and vice versa
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occupation: provide
presentation: looks
conversation: chemistry

I’m a black male. My success stories were solid. I don’t care if you’re green. You’re gonna succeed. I always made good money, dressed well, and knew how to maneuver with the opposite sex.

This study is too macro in the findings. So many outliers that aren’t and could be equated. I would like to see a micro breakdown of major city vs smaller city, religion, occupations, etc.

Exactly. If you’re a certain age and still have issues getting women, something’s wrong with you. Either start paying escorts or change your approach.
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