
Damn near $90 in magazines that likely won't tell me anything i don't already know about the man and yet not a single regret.

Damn near $90 in magazines that likely won't tell me anything i don't already know about the man and yet not a single regret.

Ah didn't realize there was a barcode on the Time magazine. Was gonna try and snag a copy and frame it, but now I'm thinking it'll be kinda weird looking with the barcode. Maybe ordering the poster is the move.
Definitely agree with flooding the market. I definitely would chill on selling merch right now though. Maybe start up again on his birthday or 1st anniversary of his memorial.

They’ll be in demand for awhile, but they definitely need to make some Gigi color ways too for girls the way Jordan’s started doing the Jasmine colors for women.
Hit up a local Von’s and they had all the magazines available. Made it easy for me. Didn’t realize how expensive they were lol. Doubled up so i can send them to my sister as well. Lady at the register couldn’t believe the amount of money i spent. Haha.
Flood the market. Take away resellers who are making a buck off this tragedy. Donate some or all of the proceeds to the families and to the Mamba fund. I can dream, I know.

As a massive corporation wouldn’t that be a huge write off or something?

They should definitely do that.
Resellers are scum, but let's face it - they wouldn't exist without the lames who pay over retail. And after Kobe died, I see a whole bunch of lames in here based on some of these questions being asked.

If you weren't shooting in the gym wearing Kobes before he passed, you can get the **** outta here.
Just went in Flightclub and it’s disgusting what those people are doing. I get they’re a consignment shop, but that’s just downright filthy.

was anybody actually buying any of them at those super ridiculous prices? I have the feeling that not that many people paid was is asked right now actually.
Resellers are scum, but let's face it - they wouldn't exist without the lames who pay over retail. And after Kobe died, I see a whole bunch of lames in here based on some of these questions being asked.

If you weren't shooting in the gym wearing Kobes before he passed, you can get the **** outta here.

I feel you man, I really do!
Resellers are scum, but let's face it - they wouldn't exist without the lames who pay over retail. And after Kobe died, I see a whole bunch of lames in here based on some of these questions being asked.

If you weren't shooting in the gym wearing Kobes before he passed, you can get the **** outta here.


fake fans are the worst. You can mourn the passing of Kobe without being fake.

fake fans are the worst. You can mourn the passing of Kobe without being fake.

Yup. No lie - the day after Kobe passed, I had 2-3 messages from an old sale post I had on a sneaker group on facebook. I had listed some Kobe 9s 3 years ago (sold my Inspirations because they were half a size too big) but forgot to take the post down after I sold them. Each ******* message - "Hey, do you still have these?". Funny thing is that post was up for months and I had to drop the price just to get rid of them.....but now everyone wants them? So lame.

One guy even gave me some lame *** excuse - "Let me know if you want to sell your Details. I'm looking for a boxing shoe". Boxing? Really?

Bunch of thirsty losers.:rolleyes::rolleyes:::smh:
I'm no johnny-come-lately when it comes to Kobe, but I can't be mad at people who want memorabilia for one of the greatest basketball players ever. None of us expected it to end like this. We expected to watch Kobe get older and join the ranks of hoops history vets, analyzing the evolving game, continue to innovate footwear, and even re-releasing his old footwear for those who never got the chance.

I never ended up picking up any Protro 4s...first because I didn't like the material choices, then because of colorways. Then FTB released and I was like bet, I'll just wait out the price a little as I'd done a million times before. Now it's gone and I wish I'd picked up the Carpes, Del Sols, not to mention the missed XI colorways I waited on, the black Protro 1s...the various models I never even got a chance to try out.

I do resent resellers/scalpers as much as any of you. Unfortunately this is just how capitalism works. Demand goes up, so does price. It's disgustingly inhuman but that's the society we live in. I hope that Nike releases everything Kobe that can possibly be released, in huge huge numbers. Flood the market, calm the public demand, effectively neutering the resale market. I personally don't give a s#$% about the monetary value of my Kobe collection because it's a collection, not an investment with an expectation for ROI.

And IMO, anybody who doesn't own anything Kobe should be able to celebrate the man the same way we believed we'd be able to celebrate him if he were still alive. No hate or disrespect to previous posts, but this shouldn't be an exclusive club. Kobe brought so many people together; including lots who aren't as vocal about it as we are, including many who were too young/broke to buy his gear first time around but have a little money now that the Protros were around.

Sorry for the rant guys. It's all love.
I'm no johnny-come-lately when it comes to Kobe, but I can't be mad at people who want memorabilia for one of the greatest basketball players ever. None of us expected it to end like this. We expected to watch Kobe get older and join the ranks of hoops history vets, analyzing the evolving game, continue to innovate footwear, and even re-releasing his old footwear for those who never got the chance.

I never ended up picking up any Protro 4s...first because I didn't like the material choices, then because of colorways. Then FTB released and I was like bet, I'll just wait out the price a little as I'd done a million times before. Now it's gone and I wish I'd picked up the Carpes, Del Sols, not to mention the missed XI colorways I waited on, the black Protro 1s...the various models I never even got a chance to try out.

I do resent resellers/scalpers as much as any of you. Unfortunately this is just how capitalism works. Demand goes up, so does price. It's disgustingly inhuman but that's the society we live in. I hope that Nike releases everything Kobe that can possibly be released, in huge huge numbers. Flood the market, calm the public demand, effectively neutering the resale market. I personally don't give a s#$% about the monetary value of my Kobe collection because it's a collection, not an investment with an expectation for ROI.

And IMO, anybody who doesn't own anything Kobe should be able to celebrate the man the same way we believed we'd be able to celebrate him if he were still alive. No hate or disrespect to previous posts, but this shouldn't be an exclusive club. Kobe brought so many people together; including lots who aren't as vocal about it as we are, including many who were too young/broke to buy his gear first time around but have a little money now that the Protros were around.

Sorry for the rant guys. It's all love.


my whole beef with this all is that i genuinely enjoy playing basketball in kobe's. i almost wear them exclusively and have only just recently (i'm talking about 1.5 years ago) dabbled into other brands (why not 0.1 and kyries) because i didn't like what they were doing with the AD's. i was more than thrilled with the protro's due to nostalgia and performance improvements.

it's not about an 'exclusive club' or anything like that. i don't give a crap about exclusives. i play ball in what works for me and my feet, and kobe's do it better than anything else i've played in. having said that, you're telling me (and the many other ppl in these threads) that actually buy his shoes to wear them and put them to use that they'll have to pay some dumb *** reseller because these fake fans wanna buy up all the stock? if kobe had any sort of impact on you then you woulda had some of his gear already. therefore, ya i got an issue with that and no ones opinion will make me change my mind.
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