I like colors, multis, etc, but I don't mind 1 or 2 solid colors either. Not everything always has to be over the top. Definitely easier to match with but to each his own.

In a sea of peacocks, a crow will stand out. We live in a time when seemingly everyone wants to be a peacock.

Do your thing, I'm not hating on anyone's style. But having MC hair colors, neon clothing and face tats doesn't make anyone more individual than the next who chooses not to.
I like colors, multis, etc, but I don't mind 1 or 2 solid colors either. Not everything always has to be over the top. Definitely easier to match with but to each his own.

This. I iD'd the 8 in Laker colors & even though I have a decent amount of Laker apparel I very rarely wore them whereas my Black Spaces go with everything (dark) & my Taylor Swift NXT's go with everything (light). Really hoping for an all black in the AD Exodus...LMNOP or whatever the official name for this shoe is.
This. I iD'd the 8 in Laker colors & even though I have a decent amount of Laker apparel I very rarely wore them whereas my Black Spaces go with everything (dark) & my Taylor Swift NXT's go with everything (light).

Totally agree. I bought 2 XI IDs, one MC (break it out on nice days, special occasions) and one black/grey two-tone that goes with everything. Stocked up on damn near every XI, and the Black Space also gets a ton of use, I even wore it with a suit to a wedding once, lol. No one even batted an eye.
I like colors, multis, etc, but I don't mind 1 or 2 solid colors either. Not everything always has to be over the top. Definitely easier to match with but to each his own.

I didn't say I need them to be over the top or crazy. But there is a lot more than one or two solid colors here. The shoes themselves have been pretty plain and boring since KB retired, and now on top of that it's like the people working on them are going, "Hey, this shoe is done but we need colorways? How about a red one, a green one, a yellow one, a purple one ... ? Good with you guys? Great, let's go to lunch and take the rest of the day off."
Yup. You can definitely tell when people like Avar stopped working this signature line, and it became a group effort or something. It almost seems now like the debut release gets attention, and the rest just...

No 'HTMs' under these models. That's for sure.

I was excited and happy when Nike and Kobe confirmed before he walked that his line would continue. I didn't realize at the time that it meant "continue in neutered form." All of the ADs/NXTs that have come along since then feel like takedown models to me, not that a few of them aren't decent. Most of them have been junk to me. And to top it off, they've basically done nothing with the one shoe in the past two years--the 360--that has the real potential and feel of the Kobes of old. It's as if they decided, well OK, we'll keep this Kobe line going for the time being but we're only putting half the budget and effort into it as we did when he was still playing. And get Avar off of those and onto something we actually care about now.

It's just a shame.
In a sea of peacocks, a crow will stand out. We live in a time when seemingly everyone wants to be a peacock.

Do your thing, I'm not hating on anyone's style. But having MC hair colors, neon clothing and face tats doesn't make anyone more individual than the next who chooses not to.
I was excited and happy when Nike and Kobe confirmed before he walked that his line would continue. I didn't realize at the time that it meant "continue in neutered form." All of the ADs/NXTs that have come along since then feel like takedown models to me, not that a few of them aren't decent. Most of them have been junk to me. And to top it off, they've basically done nothing with the one shoe in the past two years--the 360--that has the real potential and feel of the Kobes of old. It's as if they decided, well OK, we'll keep this Kobe line going for the time being but we're only putting half the budget and effort into it as we did when he was still playing. And get Avar off of those and onto something we actually care about now.

It's just a shame.

I do find it kinda funny that before, it seemed like every Kobe release had to have a name, a backstory, etc...even if 'cornball.' Now releases are just thrown out there in 10 colors like 'hey, buy these or wait until they show up at a factory store near you.'

I don't think they even bothered releasing the Kobe AD 'Time To Shine.' They released all the other signatures from that pack, but the Kobes...they were like 'Oh...Nevermind.' This was supposed to be them:


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Boogie ain’t gonna have anything to work for if everything goes according to GSW plan.
He’s gonna get a ring and the if he’s played well a good deal or max deal
Anyone with the black/purple pair and the translucent rubber pairs notice if there's any difference in traction?
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