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Clippers fan I got a question, where do you draw the line?

Josh primo
Kevin Porter jr
Miles bridges

Y’all just gunna keep rocking with em no matter what?
Primo hasn’t been on the team since before the playoffs and there were no reports of him doing anything problematic while he was with the Clippers.

I didn’t know that Bridges is under consideration by the Clippers until your post and it’s very concerning to me, especially with Porter Jr. already in the fold. I don’t like it at all. For now, I’m just going to hope Bridges doesn’t happen.

I think domestic violence is reprehensible. If I was the owner of the team I don’t think I‘d allow signing anyone with a track record that included DV incidents.

At the same time, I can see the logic of an argument that people shouldn’t be forever condemned over a single incident and should be given an opportunity to change. And if someone isn’t in the law enforcement system or banned by the league, an individual team shouldn’t be the party to judge/penalize them. This is the logic I’m using to reconcile the KPJ signing.

But Bridges too, since I believe he’s a multiple time offender, I can’t support that at all.

*Unfortunately, I’ve already had to give thought to these concepts because of situations with multiple former Dodgers :frown:
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Primo hasn’t been on the team since before the playoffs and there were no reports of him doing anything problematic while he was with the Clippers.

I didn’t know that Bridges is under consideration by the Clippers until your post and it’s very concerning to me, especially with Porter Jr. already in the fold. I don’t like it at all. For now, I’m just going to hope Bridges doesn’t happen.

You just got sohi’d

He doesn’t actually care :lol: :smh:
I was actually trynna have a legit convo but the question has been answered. There is no line. Noted!



What discussion are you trying to have? Let me guess. If the Lakers made these moves, I’m assuming you’d stop being a Laker fan right? :lol:
I was talking to myself as much as I was to him :frown:

If it makes you feel better, the basis of that rumor is that Bridges wants to play for the Clippers, not that the clippers are actively trying to acquire him :lol:
If it makes you feel better, the basis of that rumor is that Bridges wants to play for the Clippers, not that the clippers are actively trying to acquire him :lol:
Cool. I kind of figured that when I looked at the sources reporting the Bridges thing.


What discussion are you trying to have? Let me guess. If the Lakers made these moves, I’m assuming you’d stop being a Laker fan right? :lol:

Not even trolling, im just curious. It’s an interesting discussion regarding forgiveness and sports fandom.

if y’all sign Bridges and he doesn’t do anything wrong in a clippers jersey is it ok? If KPJR does nothing wrong in a clipper jersey is the signing ok?

Since you brought up kobe, I was young when it happened and didn’t care too much. If it happened when I was my current age I would look at the situation differently. With that said, I don’t believe Kobe raped her, I think it was a $ play, but even if you look at the situation like I do, it doesn’t erase what happened, it’ll always be there. Kobe was basically a model citizen after that point but that doesn’t absolve him of the case.

I look at domestic violence thru a different lense. It would be hard for me to support a player like that on my team. This isn’t some social Justice warrior **** though. Like Jaxson Hayes got a case and it’s not like I stopped watching the lakers because of it. Ultimately we’re just fans, we don’t control what our teams do. Most of us have been fans for 20+ years, what are we supposed to do? Stop being fans because our owner signed some dickheads? IDK. ballmer doesn’t give a **** so why should clipper fans? It just feels slimey.
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