The Official NBA Season Thread: Season Starts Now

Did we ever get a real answer as to why the Finals did away with the 2-3-2 format? It seems easier for all involved.

Deviation from the norm I guess.
I think Bron spoke up that he didn't like that format. I think the Heat-Spurs series might've been the last time they followed that format.
I think I read teams were complaining that for the higher seed team if they split the first two its tough going to a 3 game home stand for the other team, so 2-2-1-1-1 is more fair.

Well if you look at the early 80s, the Finals were LA vs Boston or Philly and 2-2-1-1-1 was burdensome. Going coast to coast just wasn’t feasible due to where we were in civil aviation so to make things easier they went to 2-3-2 purely for travel reasons in 1985. Between 1985 and when they reverted back to 2-2-1-1-1 in 2014 there was obviously a major cash infusion to the league such that teams had their own jets and were flying private but there were also significant advancements in aircraft.

People could get across the country not only faster and more affordably but they were also able to do it more comfortably due to improvement in cabin interiors and most importantly changes in design and materials. Newer aircraft feature a lower cabin air pressure which matters because high cabin air pressure results in jet lag. You were basically triggering acute mountain sickness for these long haul flights which isn’t good in general but especially for athletes.

So the developments in flight are what allowed them to pivot back to 2-2-1-1-1 which I believe is more fair and more of a “true home court advantage” like Picasso said.
Nuggets know how to play against a zone/aren’t surprised when a team does that, dumbà$$ Celtics had all year to prepare and didn’t
Nuggets in 5

Series again needs Caleb, Straus, Gabe and Duncan to be automatic from 3 if Bam will again be a ghost
I thought lakeshow defense was solid in the playoffs and the nugs got mostly open looks
Is the heat defense any better?
The Cheesecake Factory's menu is longer than the bible

But I order the same thing every time

I think I have 3 dishes in my rotation there.

I look through the whole menu every time, but always come back to the same things.
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Folks who hate on the Cheesecake Factory are culinary hot take artists. The menu is as thick as encyclopedia and has something for literally everybody. Probably the only restaurant that I can honestly claim has no holes in its menu. There is no way someone can't find something that tickles their fancy there.
The only franchise sit-down restaurant I'll never go to is Olive Garden. :lol:

Grandparents took my son to OG and he developed a liking for it. I take him there occasionally but almost always get just the soup/salad/breadstick combo for myself. Their Minestrone is genuinely good, IMO.
I had some Cheesecake the other day with my daughter. She got Chicken Alfredo (yuck) and Orange Chicken (like it was PF Chang).
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