The Official 2012 Miami Dolphins OffSeason Thread: 85 signs w/ Miami. 1 yr deal

[h2]Carl Peterson involved in interviewing Fisher as coach[/h2]
Carl Peterson, the former Kansas City football czar and long-time friend of Dolphins owner Steve Ross, is involved in the interviewing of the new Dolphins head coach, two sources said on Tuesday.

Peterson stepped off the helicopter that landed at Dolphins headquarters in Davie with Ross and candidate Jeff Fisher, the sources said.

It's not known whether this means Peterson will have an active role in the franchise or if he's simply doing this as a favor for Ross and general manager Jeff Ireland. On Monday, Ireland announced he and Ross were formulating their plan to carry out the interviews.

Ross said a few weeks ago that he hadn't discussed a role with Peterson and that Ireland was his general manager.

The Dolphins announced just after 3 p.m. the interview with Fisher was completed.

By Dave Hyde

Lotta good this year, lot more bad. 

Reggie Bush was outstanding this year, once the stupid coaches figured out how to give him the ball. 
Marshall was solid, but could have had a HUGE year if he improved his hands in the red zone. 
The defense was garbage after the lockout, once they were in shape, they became exactly what we expected them to be.  Great. 
Our rookies were decent for the most part, one of the better overall classes we have had recently.  Clay in the 6th round, and Wilson in the 7th round were great additions, I hope like hell they keep working.  Pouncey was a starter all year and solid, Thomas looked good early, but fell off once Reggie got rollin.  Clyde Gates didn't help out as much as he should have.  We shoulda been searchin a way to throw at least one deep ball his way a game.  We need him to improve a lot this offseason. 

We finally got rid of Sparano, be it Fisher, or Billick or whomever, we should have an upgrade at head coach. 
We have either the 8th or the 9th pick of the draft, as well as all of our picks for a change, minus a late rounder I think we switched with the Saints for Reggie.  The 8th or 9th pick, plus having our own second rounder, should net us 2 SOLID starters.  Long as we don't @#$% this up.  And if we're lucky, our 3rd rounder will be nice as well.  If we pull another 3-4 solid kids out of this class, then we should be in good shape.  Question as always, QB.  Flynn, Manning, Draft picks all out there.  Until we have a coach, no clue where we will head, but if it's Henne/Moore again, then get ready for another 6 win season. 

Our schedule set up for next year

Home, NE, NY, Buff, Jax, Tenn, Oak, Stl, Sea
Away, NE, NY, Buff, Hou, Indy, Cincy, Ari, S.F.

Take a good hard look at that.  That is a GREAT schedule.  Oak and Sea come cross country to play us.  Never easy.  Jax and Tenn aren't much better than us, we should matchup ok.  We play at Indy, which could be a rookie QB, or a problem if it's Manning, and we always struggle vs Houston and cross country for San Fran.  However, with our games vs NE and Buff on the road being early season games, we should only have 2 games that could be "bad" wheather.  Cincy and NY.  If one of those is early in the year, we may only have one bad/cold wheather game, and that's a big thing in terms of schedules and what not.  Rest are in Mia, or domes.  San Fran is nothin but rain if we play in December.  (or power outages.

Positions we could use help with in the draft, QB, #2 WR, Olineman to solidify us, Long, Incog, Pounce, and Carey are fine, we need either a RT or RG and move Carey back over to give us 5 deep.  Jerry improving could help as well.  Either way, die Columbo.  Safety, big need.  And I would love one more pass rusher to help out Wake/Odrick.  TE is one more, and not cuz I don't like Fasano, but because of the evolution of the position.  There are a TON in the draft.  TON. 

Guys that would fit well for us.  Luck (duh) Tannehill, Lamar Miller (luxury pick for after Bush's contract is up), Toon, Floyd, Alshon, Jones, Streeter (I want a low round Cane some damn day) Fleener, Allen, DeCastro, Martin, Coples, Curry, Any Bama LBer, or one of the Bama Safeties, Hartman or Smith at Safety.  Pull a couple of these, we in good shape. 

Luck is great, same as Peyton, but they would cost us a ton.  Lots of picks.  And it would be 2-3 years before we could even begin helping either QB.  So it would have to be the right deal.  Sucks big time that Barkley stayed in school.  We might have had a shot at him at 8.  Or RGIII, either way. 

Weeden is another guy, but he's 28 and no guarantee he's even better than Henne or Moore, hell, they're younger than he is. 
Peace out, JT!

Fisher would be a good pick up, I wouldn't mind Carolina's OC. But please, no Billick.
JT Forever... he will be missed. Jeff Fisher would be a good coach, but its a long shot when we have competitors like the St. Louis Rams that have their QB situation figured out.
im still riding high on that win over the Jets
that was all the playoffs i needed after the 0-7 start this season.
What do you guys think about drafting Landry Jones? At #8 or 9 we could definitely scoop him up.
Originally Posted by trey ohh five

What do you guys think about drafting Landry Jones? At #8 or 9 we could definitely scoop him up.
That would be a reach at that spot.
Jones staying at Oklahoma, rookie QB prospects are thinning, I hope to God we trade up in the draft.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so i would like to talk about the HC for a bit... just my thoughts.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I do NOT want Fisher... He is a heavily defensive minded coach. The dolphins have a great defensive coord. and don't need that 4-3 scheme he brings and prefers. I doubt however if he does come in he will change the system seeing as the dolphins aren't set up for a switch pieces wise. Also reports coming out they are interviewing Special Teams coaches?? I have no specific names as that's all that was said. You're just pissin in a bucket now. nonsense... wonder why we Lost Harbaugh. Same kind of nonsense.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Also Fish aparently has a lot of ties with the Rams, which is good in my eyes.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Now this is what confuses me... Where do we need help (as a team, not position) ? Offense. Redzone.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Before that though, i did read that they are interviewing Zimmer who is very intelligent and i wouldn't mind so much.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why wouldn't you go after guys such as  Bruce Arians (OC Steelers), Joe Philbin (OC Packers), or even Rob Chudzinski (OC Panthers)... Now i would LOVE one of the first two for multiple reasons. 1... probably do not touch the defense who is potentially a top 5 defense with one or two additions. More importantly these reasons: 2... They are WINNERS. between the two there are 4 superbowls with a possible 5th coming. Multiple division titles. Offensive stats are off the charts. The winning perentage. And they are established, longevity... Yet I haven't seen one out reach or even mention of either. Personally i would go after Bruce Arians... with all that, he also has dealt with a lot of negative and still was very successful (big ben, plax (as a WR coach), Holmes) and has great experience dealing with a very tough and competitive division. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but i doubt he even gets an interview.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]heard a couple murmurs about Rob and bringing over QB coach little shula...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]They have to be progressive... Having the same thought process that has made the Dolphins less than mediocre for the last decade is ridiculous... but that is the dolphins way.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]edit... apparently Joe Philbin was in for a two day visit. I really really hope Fisher takes the Rams job.[/color]
Reports getting louder and louder that Fisher may take the Miami job.  5 years could be the contract.  Per various Twitter reports.  Take it for what that's worth. 

Also, chatter starting up about Henne to the Jets to take Sanchizes job. 
  I'm going to miss seing Sanchez play QB for the Jets.  It was so easy beating them with him under center. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Reports getting louder and louder that Fisher may take the Miami job.  5 years could be the contract.  Per various Twitter reports.  Take it for what that's worth. 

Also, chatter starting up about Henne to the Jets to take Sanchizes job. 
  I'm going to miss seing Sanchez play QB for the Jets.  It was so easy beating them with him under center. 

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This and This.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Fish took the rams job...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I hope they take a Serious look at Joe or Rob... They KEEP shooting themselves in the foot. No matter what the ownership they do the same exact thing. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Time to change, but with an owner who knows nothing about football... who knows.[/color]
Ross is loyal as hell to Ireland.  He wanted Ireland to keep control of the roster, and Fisher to just coach.  At least, that's the spin. 

Either way, I say they keep Ireland this year, keep Bowles, retain Daboll and Nolan, keep Moore and see if another year of free agency, a good draft, plus whatever mo we was gettin with our 6-3 finish and see if the continuity builds and the team improves with a softer schedule next season. 

Then, if all that fails.  All of it.  You CLEAN OUT.  GM, Coach, QB, staff.  You go all in for a 2013 QB which is going to be deeper than this year since a lot of the juniors stayed, just as is the top 3 seniors will be Barkley, Jones and Wilson.  If any of the juniors come out, you're lookin at 4-5 guys that could be first rounders. 

Then, you should be able to lure a coach/gm to take over the team and build in their own mold. 

To me, that means you have to do well in this draft, get a solid pick at 8/9, a good second rounder, put them with Long, Pouncey, Thomas, the Corners, Odrick, Bess and Marshall, you have a foundation for them to build up on.  As an example, if we could land DeCastro and either Fleener or Allen in the second/third round, you could have all these pieces, plus go for a QB in 2013.  Already you have a solid offense with a SOLID O line, your 2013 QB, slot WR, #1 receiver and either see what Bush still has, or hope Thomas develops and then 2 young corners to build on with Odrick.  Spend the next two years workin on youth/depth for the defense, and you're in contention just as soon as that QB learns the ropes in the NFL. 

That's if we fail in 2012.  If Ireland indeed does solid work with the roster, then things change and you adjust accordingly.  Maybe then you trade up for a franchise QB in 2013. 

See what happens, but I hope they just stick with Bowles rather than get a guy and then make it all worse by reaching for a QB in this draft that isn't Luck/RGIII, then we just wastin more picks on QB's that won't work out. 
This is a link to some stuff that I wrote in regards to our coaching situation, and where I hope we go with the draft the next 2 years or so.  You can tell just from what I type in here on NT that I practice alot of how I want to say stuff, I just cuss more in here.  

With the draft picks starting to take shape, it's getting a little easier to narrow down where and when we can make picks and such, 2 months from now I could have a completely different mock for each side as players move up and down thru the Combine.  For instance, the TE from Miami, Chase Ford, is KILLING his workouts right now at the Senior Bowl or whatever all star game is goin on, scouts have been tweeting about him all week, and this was a guy that was gonna go undrafted, now they callin him a mid rounder.  Seems like Jacory and them were holdin him back.  Sound familiar?  Jimmy Graham blew up in his workouts, went mid round, and look how that's workin out.  Ford is 6-6 260, with good hands.  Again, sound familiar? 

Anyhoo, if ya'll want somethin to read, lemme know if you think I'm crazy, or stupid or whatever. 
to be honest, and i know its skewed judging based on the pats defense, but matt moore wasn't too bad in games i saw him. definitely could get another year out of the guy. he's good enough to put you out of the matt barkley sweepstakes tho :lol:need to get him another target or two, and improve that OL and defense.

still my division tho
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

to be honest, and i know its skewed judging based on the pats defense, but matt moore wasn't too bad in games i saw him. definitely could get another year out of the guy. he's good enough to put you out of the matt barkley sweepstakes tho :lol:need to get him another target or two, and improve that OL and defense.

still my division tho
We don't need to be in the Matt Barkley sweepstakes, my plan is this.  We play 2012, and 2013's draft will be LOADED at QB, or at least should be.  Bark, Landry Jones, Wilson, Bray, Thomas, McCarron, Murray, Geno Smith, Price, all these guys COULD be in the draft.  We don't need the first pick, we just A pick in the first round. 

And IF there is a guy that we absolutely love and have to have, then we could be in position to make a trade, and package some picks.  Look at us today, we couldn't afford to package picks now to get a Luck or RGIII, we'd have no help for that guy.  If we nail this draft, and some of 2011's guys improve, like DT, Gates, Clay, and 2012 is a solid draft, with Bush, Marsh, Pounce, Long, and the like, then hell, we add a QB to that group, and we're solid.  We'll be young, and have talent around him, being without the picks for 1-2 years won't kill us like it would if we were makin a deal this year. 

Does that make more sense?  Add players/pieces now, make the QB play in 2013 when there are way more to choose from.  If Bark and Landry and Wilson came out this year, then we wouldn't have to worry about that, we'd have all sorts of options this year, since they all came back to school, it just pushes back a year. 

i would love brian billick as coach but that will never happen ('you owe me $40 million!' lol)...

personally i think the best option is to address needs in the draft, get philbin and trade for flynn... i think the offense would do a lot better with a legit #2 receiver to clear up some space for marshall... if desean jackson would come for cheap (he wont) i would love to have him around even though he stunk it up this yr
definitely makes sense. outside of barkley and landry...who do you LOVE on that list of QBs tho? i only ask because as you sort of alluded to, it's not gonna be one of those guys. it's probably too early to tell who else on that list can be the guy, of course. but yeah, build around the future QB now and get those pieces in place and acclimated for when you do draft a QB next year. makes perfect sense.

early guesses at over under on 8 wins next year?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

definitely makes sense. outside of barkley and landry...who do you LOVE on that list of QBs tho? i only ask because as you sort of alluded to, it's not gonna be one of those guys. it's probably too early to tell who else on that list can be the guy, of course. but yeah, build around the future QB now and get those pieces in place and acclimated for when you do draft a QB next year. makes perfect sense.

early guesses at over under on 8 wins next year?
If we do well in the draft, no reason we don't win 8-10 games next year, much easier schedule as well. 

I like Bray, I like Logan Thomas, but they are still kids, but size/build wise, they have it all.  Just hope they develop and stay healthy.  And if Wilson has another solid year at Ark, I'd be fine with him, I just didn't want to take him early this year at 8/9 as a JR.  So there's room for us next year to get the QB of our future.  

Now I just need Mark Sanchez to sign a 10 year deal in NY and I'm one happy camper. 
[h1]Source: Dolphins to hire Joe Philbin[/h1] news services

The Miami Dolphins plan to hire Green Bay Packers offensive coordinator Joe Philbin as their coach, a league source told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter.

Philbin interviewed twice with the Dolphins, once on Jan. 7 and again on Wednesday. He interviewed Thursday for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coaching vacancy, a league source told Schefter.

Philbin decided to remain in consideration for the Dolphins job despite his son's recent drowning in a Wisconsin river. After spending a week away, Philbin rejoined the Packers on Sunday for the divisional playoff loss to the New York Giants.

Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]if confirmed... i'm really excited about this move.[/color]
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