The College Years. vol. girlfriend? or no girlfriend?

Apr 25, 2003
For everyone that's went through the did you feel about having a girlfriend? if you did have one, would you wish you wouldn't have hadone? Or, if you were single did you ever wish you would have just hooked a girl for a while and locked it down? Or were you just happy being on the prowlnightly?
get one by the end of sophomore year/beginning of jr year. trust me. it makes life easier.
A girlfriend in college is all bad to be honest. Too much alcohol/women to be single and this is your time to %*!@ around with as many women as possible.
Originally Posted by AK Nako

get one by the end of sophomore year/beginning of jr year. trust me. it makes life easier.


This past freshman year, all of these girls were straight !%!%#! fam... which was
for me, but
for any cat looking to lock one down during the year. Itain't impossible to find a wifey in college, but it damn sure ain't easy.
sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all seriousmaking this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...
Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

you still with the light skin shorty from that party?she was mad cute.

i can't find the time to have a girlfriend personally i just can'tcope with being tied down to one woman. not that i'm out smashing all willy nilly. i mean don't get me wrong i gets mine please believe but i like tobe alone.
^^ nah we just broke up recently but still chill . we just arent on the same page about a lot of things , luckily for me it was a good break up andwere on great terms right now
Originally Posted by Prez T

^^ nah we just broke up recently but still chill . we just arent on the same page about a lot of things , luckily for me it was a good break up and were on great terms right now

keep her on the team at the point and throw ya boy some free agents fromher friends pool too.
stay away mannnnnn!! I had too much fun. its more fun just hitting new chicks than to have one in college. my guy was wifed up his entire time in school andcouldn't hang with us. its too much going on to deal with the stress that relationships bring. enjoy these years because life get so serious when you donewith school. every chick I meet got marriage aspirations.
Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

very true indeed. it's the best years of your life. move around see whats out there, believe there's plenty more once you graduate
Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

That's how I feel. It was actually cool as a freshman to have a lady, but now it's like all my buddies are locked down and i'm the only singleone.
I love it and hate it at the same time. I got friends giving promise rings (
) and marriage type promises already
. But the irony is me (thesingle one) am the only one with a real career path already.

The one thing that I am getting tired of are the single women. They are getting
to me. Acting a fool, and getting real sloppy. To quote Chappelle "if !@@%+ was a stock it would be plummeting right now because you'reflooding the market, you're giving it away too easy." Where did all the classy women go!? It's no wonder i'm finding myself getting moreattracted to older women
(i'm 21 btw).
^ real talk..i was just @ 34th St here in NYC..these older women aint nothing to play me lusting after someones grandma and @$*
and marriage type promises already
i'm like "It's hot, i'm 22, i dont wanan think about that right now in my life."
shorty is FIENDIN'.
the most awkward thing happened to me last year (jr year) i was messing with a girl and her whole sorority knew about it. then the rest of the greek systemknew about it but nothing went on between us. we werent together yet everyone said we were so i was C-blocked by everyone. so moral to the story is commit ordont early bc it will come back and bite you
Originally Posted by tyeung53

the most awkward thing happened to me last year (jr year) i was messing with a girl and her whole sorority knew about it. then the rest of the greek system knew about it but nothing went on between us. we werent together yet everyone said we were so i was C-blocked by everyone. so moral to the story is commit or dont early bc it will come back and bite you

Same thing just happened to me recently. I was talking with this last chick, but it's too awkward of a situation due to everyone and their moms knowingabout us trying to get to know eachother. Everyone kinda knew we dug eachother, but nothing happened between us (long story short..she's too shy for me, weplanned a couple dates but they never worked out..basically it wasn't there outside physicall sttraction). Yet, everyone expects something to happen?? So Ialready moved on before I caught an L with this chick, but I know it's gunna be mad awkward when she's around
Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

This would be my advice as well. No need to try and force it but if you find someone you click with go for it.
I started college with one. and ended college without one. I would have wanted it the other way around tho. Put it that way
Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

^speaks the truth. just do your thing, and if you find one that you like, go for it. don't force the issue though cause then you'll be missing outon the good things college has to offer.

beware though.. ive had friends who picked up girls and now they don't do anything else but be around their girl 24/7. I havent seen some of them inages cause of it...
Mess around but develop wifey options. You want to graduate with 10-15 friends that you could consider marrying. Not saying you can't find the wife aftercollege, but why not take advantage of the amount of females that are there.
dfresh244 wrote:
A girlfriend in college is all bad to be honest. Too much alcohol/women to be single and this is your time to %*!@ around with as many women as possible.

Same for the ladies. You are going to meet wayyy too many people. Have fun in college. Wait until atleast 2nd/3rd year.
Originally Posted by Golden Oozaru Gr8 Ape

Originally Posted by Prez T

sure if you find a chick that youre really vibin with and wanna be with . dont force anything though , and TAKE IT SLOW . dont be getting all serious making this chick your entire world when you're only 18-22 years old ...

you still with the light skin shorty from that party? she was mad cute.

i can't find the time to have a girlfriend personally i just can't cope with being tied down to one woman. not that i'm out smashing all willy nilly. i mean don't get me wrong i gets mine please believe but i like to be alone.
I'm about to start my junior year. I would say don't have a girlfriend freshman year at least. That year was so much fun being single. One of myboys started that year with a serious girlfriend, and it did not end well. He would always be stressed out juggling a girlfriend, school, and trying to hangout with us. Freshman year=go out and have single fun, after that year you will know what it's like and what you want/can handle.
I have 1 friend who still has a serious GF, while the other 10ish dudes actually broke up with their GF's to enjoy the single life. All happened by thesoph. year at the latest.
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