Tennis or running shoes

Jul 5, 2008
Can anyone recommend me some good shoes for a little basketball but mostly long distance running? Prefer something that doesn't look atrocious.
What a great question. You mention a tennis shoe, but don't mention playing tennis. You want to have a shoe for long distance running AND basketball, butas we all know, using a running shoe for basketball almost certainly leads to bad, bad things.
i would get some runners and take my chances playing ball in them. i hate to break this to you, but most distance runners are ugly. its all about function, notfashion.
Originally Posted by fc1114

What a great question. You mention a tennis shoe, but don't mention playing tennis. You want to have a shoe for long distance running AND basketball, but as we all know, using a running shoe for basketball almost certainly leads to bad, bad things.

Listen to this guy... you do not want to be play (even a little) tennis basketball in running shoes... They simply don't offer the supportrequired... Cross-trainers are probably the way to go...
Try a Kobe 4- meets your basketball play and close to theweight a mid level running shoe.
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