Tea or Coffee? What's your favorite brand?

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
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“[T]he black lady that does the news is a very nice lady.the only thing is she needs to wear a wig or grow some more hair. im not sure if she is a cancer patient. but still its not something myself that i think looks good on tv. what about letting someone a male have waist long hair do the news.what about that(cq).”
Dat ignorance.

Wonder what else see did to become a repeat violator?  I can't see this woman repeating this kind of offense repeatedly if it's truly their policy and she knew it

Here's the email

Edit: Why did you change the thread title?
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Sad on so many levels,but this is the world we live in where someone who clearly doesn't have anything better to do besides sit on their rumps,nitpick at minor things that they might not preferre from the comforts of their homes.The internet can be a great tool when used for good but it can also be a drag when used by some miserable hogwarts whose intentions aren't good.

I hope she finds another job that will allow her to wear her hair in the manner she chooses.We also have to band together, fight for our rights to be who we are and not what other's want to preceive us to be,by not easily conforming to an hollywood image of what being beautifully black is.Wear our afro's,locks,braids,waves,bald heads,beards and fades proudly and at the end of the day they won't be able to dictate what is and isn't because that preception of what is,will no longer apply to the average working black american.
<-----I love me a nice cup of joe

Nothing like Folgers in your cup

But why change the thread topic?  I wanna know what happened Nomad
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loose leaf tea, the japanese one with the rice in it is the goat
barley tea is awesome too. actually all tea is pretty awesome :smokin
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