Surviving a Car Crash Apprecitation Post Vol: Interstate-94...Story Inside

Jun 18, 2002
So my family and I decided to drive from Atlanta to the Twin Cities this Christmas, we do it every year. Being we have six people, driving is usually cheaper.So we left Atlanta Saturday night knowing we were gonna hit bad weather, and we took two cars. We started to hit snow around the middle of Illinois, and thewind gusts were unreal. It was like sand dunes swirling around the highway. Anyway, we make it to Baldwin, Wisconsin, and that is when the nightmare began. Mymother and three sisters were ahead about 200 yards of my father and I, and they were traveling about sixty mph. All the sudden my mom apparently hit a sheetof black ice and her SUV starts to spin out like crazy. Meanwhile my dad and I are sitting watching and praying that God guides their car to safety. Her SUVliterally did about three or four 360 degree turns. Anyway, her car comes to a stop thank goodness, but my dad and I hit the same spot of ice and my dadcouldn't slow down our car enough and we hit the front of my mom's car. Airbags deploy, etc. I really thought I was gonna die. Thank God everyone wasokay somehow, but both cars are totaled. God really was watching over us, because all night 18-wheelers were on the highway and if one had been at least a 1/4mile behind us we all would of gotten killed or really injured. 11 people died on that interstate that night, RIP to all those people.
11 people died on that interstate that night, RIP to all those people.

thats beast, highway authority must suck over there.

your extremely lucky. i know some people who hit black ice.... didnt come out too well.
That is luck and alot of it.Driving on the road is no joke thats why If push come to shove Ill get on the greyhound.
I got teary eyed just reading the title...


Appreciated, but also one of the worst memorys to have..
merry late christmas glad you and your fam are ok
r.i.p. to the victims
I know what you're going through, totaled my car about three months back with someone in the car with me, went into a skid, hit a ditch, flipped a fewtimes.
It's a weird feeling afterwards, part gratitude that I was ok, part anger that the person cut me off and didn't stop, and just fear andhelplessness of being trapped in a car upside down and had to climb out.
Yeah, I've had a lot of mixed feelings the last few days. Glad to be alive, yet wondering why God would do such a thing or allow it tohappen....Idk...Guess he decided in wasn't my time or anyone in my family.
Wow, glad to hear you & your family are alright.

I totaled a car in college, got cut off by another driver. It's definitely a shocking experience, I was very thankful I was okay but a little gunshy aboutdriving for a while.
Glad you and your family are ok. RIP to theother drivers that died. I absolutely hate winter driving. I just wait til I gotta do a bunch of stuff and go out atonce..
Damn, that is amazing that you and your fam is alive.

Rest in Peace to the those who died.
I have crashed at 100mph+, flipped a car over, hit barricades, gone airborne..

and thank my lucky stars i am should take your experiences and learn something from it..each experience has something to tell

Glad that nothing happen to you or your loved ones, but why did you and your dad not slow down when you saw them hit the sheet of ice or try an shift lanes?
Originally Posted by funkdoctor73

I have crashed at 100mph+, flipped a car over, hit barricades, gone airborne..

and thank my lucky stars i am should take your experiences and learn something from it..each experience has something to tell


Thankfully you and your fam wasn't hurt. Thoughts will go out to those who were killed that night though... I've only been in one real car crash so farin my life. Was making an unprotected left turn, and my friend didn't see these car jacking jerkoffs who were doing 40 mph into the intersection with noheadlights on. We didn't see them until it was way too late, and they hit my side of the car.

It's one of the most unique, and surreal experienced I've ever time slowed down and I saw the car coming at me going slow mo in the last 10feet of it before hitting us. And like near death experiences, part of my life kinda flashed in front of my eyes, the good times.
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