Surgical Question... Vol: Calling Docs

Jan 8, 2005
OK I wasn't sure where to post this since it mainly involves sports. So mods please move if need be.

OK when an athlete breaks his leg or something and a steel rod is inserted into the area, what happens if the athlete takes another spill or hit that couldre-break the bone? Does the rod bend, break or stand still
? Whatexactly is a steel rod and what does it look like? Anybody ever had steel inserted in them because of injury?
oooooooooo mannnnnn to long to explain...... im kind of lazy....
cliff notes

1. they usually use "rods" to fuse a joint, ie. the "knee joint" so it cant flex/ext or "rods" for a arthroplasty ie. totalhip/knee/shoulder replacement. the alloy is usually made of cobalt chromium.
2. the patient/athlete can re-injure/re-break the bone if there is an increase amount of pressure placed on a certain area. it could be from pressure walkingor pressure from another traumatic hit. usually the bone is the first to go, the alloys are very strong.
3. it depends where the patient/athlete breaks their bone and how severe the brake is. sometimes the Ortho MD will use a steel plate with screws and pins orjust use screws to mend the bone together.

if you do brake a bone make sure you are cleared by the Ortho MD to do certain activities: run, walk, sports, and rehab, ect......
they will have to clear you for every step of your recovery.....

still reppin LLU
Originally Posted by HappYGeL

oooooooooo mannnnnn to long to explain...... im kind of lazy....
cliff notes

1. they usually use "rods" to fuse a joint, ie. the "knee joint" so it cant flex/ext or "rods" for a arthroplasty ie. total hip/knee/shoulder replacement. the alloy is usually made of cobalt chromium.
2. the patient/athlete can re-injure/re-break the bone if there is an increase amount of pressure placed on a certain area. it could be from pressure walking or pressure from another traumatic hit. usually the bone is the first to go, the alloys are very strong.
3. it depends where the patient/athlete breaks their bone and how severe the brake is. sometimes the Ortho MD will use a steel plate with screws and pins or just use screws to mend the bone together.

if you do brake a bone make sure you are cleared by the Ortho MD to do certain activities: run, walk, sports, and rehab, ect......
they will have to clear you for every step of your recovery.....

still reppin LLU

Oh OK thanks man.
My uncle Lex had a metal rod in his forearm and whenever he got in a fight he'd knock people out with it.
I got titanium in my leg. it was from a procedure not due to injury though. Honestly, i dont really know what would happen if i broke it. My doctor warned meagainst it though, tryna make sure i am extra careful. she siad if i broke it, i'd have to redo surgery and stuff, but my case might be different
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