Success Rate w/ women vol: i'm battin' horribly, fambs

Dec 11, 2010
i have no problem going up to women, approaching them, speaking, none of that.
but i was scrolling thru my phone and realized just how many MISSES i've had...

its crazy how many people in my phone i've shot at, got the number, talked for maybe one or two days, and never said anything else.

like, literally 1 out of every 8 or 9 girls was solid... showed interest, wanted to chill, spent time, all that...

i'm not dealin w/ them anymore cuz i've started back talkin to my OG chick, but it just seem like i was striking out TOO much..

and that rejection started to wear me down....

it was a point where i'd see a girl, and be like meh... she prolly aint down anyway...

and psyching myself out before even taking a swing.

how often do you fellas find a chick that's you can actually keep convo w/, chill, smash, and just be friends with? cuz i feel like my win loss ratio was 1:9...



whats your rate of actually pulling chicks and holding on to them for more than one or two conversations...

Originally Posted by ricky409

i have no problem going up to women, approaching them, speaking, none of that.
but i was scrolling thru my phone and realized just how many MISSES i've had...

its crazy how many people in my phone i've shot at, got the number, talked for maybe one or two days, and never said anything else.

like, literally 1 out of every 8 or 9 girls was solid... showed interest, wanted to chill, spent time, all that...

i'm not dealin w/ them anymore cuz i've started back talkin to my OG chick, but it just seem like i was striking out TOO much..

and that rejection started to wear me down....

it was a point where i'd see a girl, and be like meh... she prolly aint down anyway...

and psyching myself out before even taking a swing.

how often do you fellas find a chick that's you can actually keep convo w/, chill, smash, and just be friends with? cuz i feel like my win loss ratio was 1:9...



whats your rate of actually pulling chicks and holding on to them for more than one or two conversations...

Probably lower than yours. Getting a number is so easy especially in the club/bar scene. Most of these girls I don't even feel like talking to after one or two convos. The interest isn't there and many times it's mutual.

I would say for girls I was actually interested in after a couple convos my success ratio is probably between 1/3 and 1/2. And by success I mean smashing
I remember back in college, women gave out their number like business cards. Getting them to answer, or even getting anywhere after calling, was another thing.
if you're gonna try to pull numbers from random chicks, you need to have a strong sense of personality and great conversation skills.

the truth is that a girl might be feeling you when she gives you the #, but may have forgotten all about you when she gets your text a couple days later.
I know what you mean I get quite a few girls numbers but the interest drops quickly after
stressing over something so miniscule as this is not even worth it. Don't base your value on how much you appease others besides your family and tight group of friends who you value their opinion.
I pull #%$*$$. I strike out because I just don't bother putting in effort once I got em.
Man up and stop psyching yourself out. That simple

The real question is; how many women in college or in life have you really been impressed by?
Originally Posted by jm2000

Man up and stop psyching yourself out. That simple

The real question is; how many women in college or in life have you really been impressed by?

Ive never been fully impressed by a female when I really think about. I get a star player once in a while, but I aint trying to franchise them. Blame it on Dat mass.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

stressing over something so miniscule as this is not even worth it. Don't base your value on how much you appease others besides your family and tight group of friends who you value their opinion.
Girls don't want to hear what you have to say, get them to talk about themselves without having to interrogate them and they will give it up.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

stressing over something so miniscule as this is not even worth it. Don't base your value on how much you appease others besides your family and tight group of friends who you value their opinion.
Damn G, don't tell em that!
They just want recognitionz

Yo, I remember you made a thread a while back about pulling women.

Did you master the popping willies on your bike dude?

I know you can get all da hunnies with that 
Aren't you the same dude who was pullin' two chicks at once and supposedly smashing both of em?!
VoidEmperor wrote:

Damn G, don't tell em that!
They just want recognitionz

Yo, I remember you made a thread a while back about pulling women.

Did you master the popping willies on your bike dude?

I know you can get all da hunnies with that 


its too cold outside to be ridin' wheelies, fambs...

it seem like only girls that's SUPER STRONG IN THE FACE be wanting to jump on back, though.

Originally Posted by kickstart

Aren't you the same dude who was pullin' two chicks at once and supposedly smashing both of em?!

yeah... but i'm saying the field goal percentage is low, fambs...
just making sure my ratio wasnt abnormal, cuz it sure felt abnormal...

felt like i was missing too much.

i'm chillin now cuz i'm gettin back w/ my chick, though...

but i looked back, and realized that many girls would literally PISS me off within the first five min of conversation.

I feel where you comin from famb dog wit me it's usually me finding out that they don't have it all in the mental dept.

I'm too young to be wifing anything but I lose interest even before smashin on somethin.
Originally Posted by jm2000

Man up and stop psyching yourself out. That simple

The real question is; how many women in college or in life have you really been impressed by?

Glad to say I'm still with the one that made me think "Wow."
I'm starting to have troubles too.

Getting the number is easy but making something happen after that is the hard part. I'm stumped too!
man I feel you OP. I cant even tell you how many times I've gotten numbers, talked to them, and they seemed extremely interested, then once it came time to finally hang out, they ALWAYS had an excuse. 

I'll try to chill twice if she fakes both times I will not call her back.
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