Stress management. What are some of your strategies?

Dec 27, 2014
Pretty turbulent times we're living in. According to some clinicians and doctors I've spoken to in social settings, mental health in this country is in rough shape, for obvious reasons beyond our own personal situations.

What do you do to manage your stress, anxiety, etc on a daily basis to keep yourself grounded in the face of uncertain times?
After having this kid, I've been playing a lot of video games. I've never played video games in my life so i guess it's how I'm coping.

Other than that, I try and find ways to laugh at everything. It's a defense mechanism for me at work. I find the humor in things.
Yeah I feel like being active in general is great way to decompress. When I was younger cruising around on a skateboard with friends was unintentionally therapeutic.

What I do is I take an hour break during the work week and just ride.
used to be the tree. definitely helped but then I became too reliant. self medicating is cool in small doses though.

now I just try to think through any problems I have that occur. Even make a proactive list. Whatever Im dealing with I try to look at all the possible outcomes and basically say "if this happens do xyz...if this happens this way, do abc..." That way I can at least have an outline for what I should do in regards to dealing with whatever is stressing me out.

All in all I just know there are only oh so many things I can fully control, and the things that I cant I just try to position myself as best as possible to navigate myself to the desired outcome.

Lastly, if youre stressed out, talk to someone if possible, holding in things that bother you is poisonous and only hurts you more.
It’s been in the high 90’s temp wise out here but I enjoyed walking with my earphones on playing music. I’d go through quiet neighborhoods enjoying the empty streets, shade from trees and the free breeze. I’ll start it up once the temps drop to the 80s.
I do this exercise called "staying present"

It takes about 10 seconds, I stop what I'm doing and touch something (and feel it and describe it), taste something (like my hand and describe it), look what's in front of me (what am i looking it?), hear what's around me (what is the sound), start smelling (what does it smell like)

it takes 10 seconds but in that 10 seconds you get out of all the crap in your head and just appreciate what's around you. The present is the only thing that matters, where you are, what you are doing, etc. Not whatever nonsense you are thinking about.

I do it all throughout the day and keep practicing.

Whenever I feel any stress I just do the exercise and it helps me stay calm.

Because at the end of the day, all our problems is just thoughts going crazy in our head.

Try it lol
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This is assuming we're not talking about serious depression:

Simply turn off all the unnecessary noise (social media) for a while and go for a walk. I believe it's been shown vitamin d from the sun has several benefits.

What works really well for me is combining this with working out with weights. Getting further and further into the washed years and being able to maintain the same body you had (for the most part) feels good.
Simply turn off all the unnecessary noise (social media) for a while and go for a walk. I believe it's been shown vitamin d from the sun has several benefits.

This paid dividends for me towards the beginning of the pandemic. I was following the news too closely and my anxiety spiked big time. I had to stop paying attention to all media for my anxiety to go back to baseline.
This paid dividends for me towards the beginning of the pandemic. I was following the news too closely and my anxiety spiked big time. I had to stop paying attention to all media for my anxiety to go back to baseline.
I was like that years before the pandemic. Listening to all the problems happening I just stopped watching it all together. These days I only turn on the television for sports, pop in a dvd movie or play some video games. That’s it.
Pretty turbulent times we're living in. According to some clinicians and doctors I've spoken to in social settings, mental health in this country is in rough shape, for obvious reasons beyond our own personal situations.

What do you do to manage your stress, anxiety, etc on a daily basis to keep yourself grounded in the face of uncertain times?
Got into road cycling at the beginning of the pandemic and its helped me manage my stress tremendously. I ride around 120-140 miles weekly and its a great way to clear my mind.
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If anyone is thinking about video games, I'd strongly recommend single player stuff only. Maybe something that is co-op would be alright, but stay away from crap like Call of Duty.

Audio books are also good if you're trying to relax, or you could do things the old fashioned way and read.
When I used to get stressed I turned to guided meditation and that helped me a lot. Now I use it sporadically if I need it but usually my mind will automatically know the steps needed to relax me and go through the motions if I need it. I also try to read as much as possible. I keep ebooks on my phone so that if I have 5 minutes to spare I'll try to spend my time reading a few pages of a book instead of mindlessly scrolling on social media to waste time.
When I used to get stressed I turned to guided meditation and that helped me a lot. Now I use it sporadically if I need it but usually my mind will automatically know the steps needed to relax me and go through the motions if I need it. I also try to read as much as possible. I keep ebooks on my phone so that if I have 5 minutes to spare I'll try to spend my time reading a few pages of a book instead of mindlessly scrolling on social media to waste time.

Any good good meditation resources you could recommend?
Any good good meditation resources you could recommend?
Andrew Johnson has been one of my favorites. He has some free ones on the Ap stores for both Android and Apple to try and see if you like him. Other than that I've just typed guided meditation on youtube and I'll listen to different people. If the voice isn't starting to lull me into meditation within the first couple of minutes I know it won't be good and I'll move on to someone else.
apparently shrooms
Microdosing mushrooms has done wonders for my mental health.

Managing stress though I try to have a daily meditation routine, I’m not perfect at it but it helps a lot when I’m in a good groove. Regular exercise has helped a lot too, try to get a run in at least 3 times a week. And like some others have said, turn off social media, it’s a big stressor for me.
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