stories of when you sonned someone in the office vol. attitude


Aug 5, 2017
I almost sonned someone today but figured it wasn't worth my time as i could tell they were on a power trip.

but figured if i did, it would make a good story

share some stories of when you sonned someone at work
I don’t get into it with people at work, I just leave them high and dry or go home or don’t show up the next day if you wanna play stupid games.

My boss has my back always too if I do that. I don’t start problems and try to be cool with everyone but I demand it in return.
Got a coworker who snitched on me and some workers about some totally unnecessary stuff jumped.

Granted I was in my early 20’s and more reckless. But the stuff he ratted us out on was some Ho stuff.

Kept my job while he was in the icu and ultimately quit lol.

I haven’t had a 9 to 5 in years. But when I did. I just kept it quiet around coworkers for the most part.
I go to work to work. Shenanigans are funny but drama can get funnier. When coworkers say something negative about somebody I reply with something positive and lol.
I almost sonned someone today that was trying to son me, but figured it wasn't worth my time as i could tell they were mentally weak and unprofessional.

but figured if i did, he would make a post about it on NT.
the director at my job who was my boss i had a great relationship with her... when i was initially hired at my company i was loved there... but as my coworkers started leaving i was treated like crap by my supervisor and i hated it... the supervisor ended up getting fired for being racist and just doing the dirty work of my director told her to do...i started to get close with the receptionist at my job who was once close with my director but they grew apart... and since i grew tight with the receptionist my director disliked me... she tried to pinpoint every mistake i made and once it came review time she used my mistakes as an excuse to not only not give me a raise but use that as a reason to fire me... i was offended by not getting a raise but also for her trying to fire me... I told HR who i was tight with and they did an investigation with the whole department who vouched for me....i ended up switching departments and left the toxic situation with my director.... went to the new department and got a raise for a dollar increase since i got paid hourly which was great... only stayed in the position a year then applied for a position in the corporate office where i got paid 3 g's more.... so ya defintely got out of nasty position and went and left to a great one.... this job was cool but sucked in general and i stayed for 2 year and got let go during the pandemic in 2020... but went into a new company and got hired for 4g's more which was a closer job to my house and a lot easier in general.... talk about win win position for me lol
Boss at my old job was trying to tell me I got to do work during my lunch break (I'm in medical field). I told her Nah, I'm going to eat. She wrote me up. Eventually, I got fired for it. Filed a lawsuit against her and the company, met them in court. Won 30k off them. Lunch is sacred time in California, no work for any reason while on your lunch. She got fired, and the clinic closed down within a year. Collected unemployment for the next 6 months and took vacation with the next job lined up.
Thankfully my trash jobs were all at a younger age. Don't have any amazing stories besides not showing up anymore and letting them figure things out. I figured it best to walk away than act like a fool, which could just end up hurting yourself more than anything.

It's a shame how I've witnessed things play out at some places. Had a few jobs where, at first, everyone felt like a big family. People would even show up to work early and be in a good mood. Then comes new directors and worthless managers, who micromanage and mess with people for the pettiest of reasons. Ninety percent of the staff quit and everything goes to hell.
One of my worst bosses was a ahole to me and to EVERYONE on base. This was while I was in the military so it’s all about conflict with egotistical cornballs on the daily. But this boss loves to make dudes cry. Literally! He would call dudes into his office that would be in trouble or just didn’t like him n would just tear them down verbally. He did me a few times but ain’t make me cry 😂.
Dude was a tyrant and believed in hours=great work. So while the camp(not just our unit) would be off early on Fridays (normal for marine infantry) but we would be there until COB. Smh. Dude was a straight moral killer.
One day he called to make sure we were working (twiddling our thumbs tryna look busy) I tactfully questioned why we were here while the rest of the command and camp was secured? He got tight and started to go on a rant (he told me to put him on speaker phone also)about why we need to be there (even tho he wasn’t even at work). Right when he started to bark on me and I hoped on the desk and dropped trow and began to mimic him with my 2 cheeks in front of erryone (like 4 of us there all males) The whole time he kept tellin me this ain’t a funny situation and I should be more worried about doing my job. Whole time the phone getting a full moon and sum. :lol:

Dude was such a scumbag. But I got him that day. :pimp:
way back in the day i used to sell drugs at work. one of the old ladies hated me because of that and she turned me in. a supervisor who used to buy dope from me pulled me aside and said they were gonna do a locker search during my shift so i put everything in my car and took the lock off my locker. when they did the search (with me present and a union rep) they didn't find anything. i left the lock off in case they put something in there, i woulda said someone else tried to frame me. anyway, there was this dickhead dude that i didn't like and they found little liquor bottles in his locker that he stole (worked in the flight kitchen for united). he got fired along with a few others that had contraband. lady that turned me in was pissed.

eventually i just stopped showing up because i was a bad drug addict and eventually ended up homeless though :lol:
way back in the day i used to sell drugs at work. one of the old ladies hated me because of that and she turned me in. a supervisor who used to buy dope from me pulled me aside and said they were gonna do a locker search during my shift so i put everything in my car and took the lock off my locker. when they did the search (with me present and a union rep) they didn't find anything. i left the lock off in case they put something in there, i woulda said someone else tried to frame me. anyway, there was this dickhead dude that i didn't like and they found little liquor bottles in his locker that he stole (worked in the flight kitchen for united). he got fired along with a few others that had contraband. lady that turned me in was pissed.

eventually i just stopped showing up because i was a bad drug addict and eventually ended up homeless though :lol:
lmao the ending got me :rofl:
glad u better now hopefully
Used to work in a kitchen with an executive chef that no one could stand. Dude was the type that peaked in high school and was always trying to reminisce about his glory days or name-drop someone he knew that was more successful than he was.

One night we're doing dinner service and he's yells out "GUYS TURN ON HBO TONIGHT! MY BUDDY IS FIGHTING!"

I reply "Oh ****, Bum Fights is on HBO now?"

Everyone busted out laughing and he tried to save face by yelling at everyone to stop and focus on service. :lol:
So many egos in kitchens. My very first chef was always clowning me. I’m like aight cool, walked off the job and started cooking for a Michelin star nominee making way more money. SMD

he wasn’t clowning like regular kitchen jokes. He told someone he was going to gouge their eye out and skull **** them in front of his mom. :lol:

Like dude chill before I put hands on you.
I only have one coworker that I interact with often and it's not even in person. Having as little interaction as possible keeps the drama down.
So many egos in kitchens. My very first chef was always clowning me. I’m like aight cool, walked off the job and started cooking for a Michelin star nominee making way more money. SMD

he wasn’t clowning like regular kitchen jokes. He told someone he was going to gouge their eye out and skull **** them in front of his mom. :lol:

Like dude chill before I put hands on you.
Theyre actually fked up. I worked in a high end restaurant for like a week. Good money but they were so ****** up. I threatened the sous chef then quit lol
Theyre actually fked up. I worked in a high end restaurant for like a week. Good money but they were so ****ed up. I threatened the sous chef then quit lol

Yeah they are like the last places that will ever change if ever.

Like I’m im construction and you have to have pretty thick skin for this but compared to kitchens it’s a joke.

I think it’s partially because you have to be nuts to cook for a long time anyways and work those conditions for the pay.
Yeah they are like the last places that will ever change if ever.

Like I’m im construction and you have to have pretty thick skin for this but compared to kitchens it’s a joke.

I think it’s partially because you have to be nuts to cook for a long time anyways and work those conditions for the pay.
Ya those guys used to be in the kitchen for like 12hrs. Madness. All of em were cokeheads tho. ******* weirdos. I remember finding the one guy in the walk in fridge eating peanut butter out the jar high out his mind. Im thinking damn if people could only see the guy cooking these overpriced meals theyre ordering
we did our fair share of that but we weren’t foul bastards either being gross. :lol:

Once I got my life together I quit cooking, it’s a brutal lifestyle and had no love for it at all anymore.
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