Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

RIP to your doggy.
lol i quit basketball after i *%@$#$ up my ankle and i've been playing a lot of xbox lately
I'm starting to go jogging and lift weights though
RIP to your dog, mine's my little girl I don't even want to think about her dying.

skipped the gym today, I'm trying to take more off-das (I usually end up lifting 6-7 days/week, not good over time I guess......although I'm smartabout training, I don't get injuries, etc. for the most part)

off-days make me feel like a lazy POS though.
Cheers for the condolences fellas

Just buried him this late afternoon, I can tell you know digging the grave was terrible, then covering him up with the gravel made this man shed some tears. Imsort of glad he died in his sleep, from what we could tell he was healthy, so im guessin he died of old-age and hopefully painless.

But yeah life goes on, these sorts of things just makes you a better person and demonstrates the intimacy between pets and humans....

Back on topic now! Go train hard fellas, keep pushing on!
For the 999,888,999,888,000,000,000,000,000's ALL about what you eat.

COOK # 45
get fit.
i just cant seem to get motivated to keep coming back to the gym... went for 2 weeks 3 days each and now im just...blah..maybe because its finals week
I just started working out again This week and its somtheing like this..

Run 20 blocks in the morning [about 30 min] [Mon Wed Fri] [HIIT Tue Thur]
Navy Seal upper and lower body workout [Mon Wed Fri only]
Insanity workout [6 days a week]

I am also going to get my membership at this gym next week and picked a workout routine from that's has me doing split workouts in which I only needto hit the gym Mon/Tue-Thu/Fri

Just wanted to know is this to much or is there something im missing?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Anyone ever hear of the brand Oh Yeah! ?

i know someone who bought these strawberry peanut butter oh yeah bars

goofy name, don't know how they tasted since i'm allergic to pb but he liked em.

i avoid protein bars, never seen one with a good profile.

Its an incredibly goofy name, it took me awhile to take it seriously.

We carry those products at work, and first I was skeptical of them but the more I looked at their drinks/bars im beginning to like their content.

Of all the protein related products we carry (Muscle Milk, a bunch of other non-popular brands) its the best price/quality.
yeah i just looked at the profile....definitely looks better than your average protein bar.....still high in saturated fat but not OD

they look pretty good too.

i avoid them so i'm no expert but if i had to pick a protein bar this would be a good choice

i'd rather just eat some nuts or something though.....not as much protein, but a fair amount + a ton of healthy fats and calories that will fill you up for the time being, and no artificial nonsense or anything unhealthy.
if im gonna eat a protein bar the only ones i will use are VPX zero impact.
Yeah, I don't really mess with protein bars anymore. Better than nothing in a pinch, but I'd rather keep a shaker cup and some slow-digesting proteinor a mass-gainer shake around and add water if I'm going to use supplements as a meal replacement.
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

I just started working out again This week and its somtheing like this..

Run 20 blocks in the morning [about 30 min] [Mon Wed Fri] [HIIT Tue Thur]
Navy Seal upper and lower body workout [Mon Wed Fri only]
Insanity workout [6 days a week]

I am also going to get my membership at this gym next week and picked a workout routine from that's has me doing split workouts in which I only need to hit the gym Mon/Tue-Thu/Fri

Just wanted to know is this to much or is there something im missing?
what are you trying to accomplish exactly? sounds like you're OD'ing major. i don't know much about the insanity workout, exceptthat it's supposed to be scaled to your ability, so if it seems easy, you're not going hard/fast enough. haven't heard about the navy sealworkout, but it looks like a similar type of regimen to the insanity workout.

you gotta think quality over quantity. unless you're trying to be conditioned for mma or you're a fire-fighter/swat/special forces, you're morelikely to burn out than have amazing results doing all this. at least make sure you nutrition and sleep aren't holding you back (though i'm inclinedto think you need more rest/recovery).
Appreciate the info..

Well my goals are to reduce my Bf % back to 6% [its curretly 12%] and to bulk up a bit while getting ripped in the mid section as well, that's the reasonim running in the morning.

Im also taking Amplified wheybolic and creatine mono. The guy at GNC told me that I shouldn't be OD'n on cardio Because it takes away the waterthat's sappose to be going to my muscles from the creatine thus probably making the Creatine effect useless.

I am just going to take away running at all and just rely on the Insanity workout [it alone is hell] to get a good cardio/resistance training and continue tohit the gym and do the partial seal workout
I rest completely on from the seal workout Tue/Thur...Hitting the gym only Mon/Tue-Thu/Fri...and Insanity is 6 days a week.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Anyone ever hear of the brand Oh Yeah! ?

i know someone who bought these strawberry peanut butter oh yeah bars

goofy name, don't know how they tasted since i'm allergic to pb but he liked em.

i avoid protein bars, never seen one with a good profile.

Its an incredibly goofy name, it took me awhile to take it seriously.

We carry those products at work, and first I was skeptical of them but the more I looked at their drinks/bars im beginning to like their content.

Of all the protein related products we carry (Muscle Milk, a bunch of other non-popular brands) its the best price/quality.
yeah i just looked at the profile....definitely looks better than your average protein bar.....still high in saturated fat but not OD

they look pretty good too.

i avoid them so i'm no expert but if i had to pick a protein bar this would be a good choice

i'd rather just eat some nuts or something though.....not as much protein, but a fair amount + a ton of healthy fats and calories that will fill you up for the time being, and no artificial nonsense or anything unhealthy.
if im gonna eat a protein bar the only ones i will use are VPX zero impact.

those look pretty good..what do you think is the best flavor of these?
Ok so i tried some HIIT for the first time yesterday and here was my workout, feedback is very much appreciated:

Sprint 100m, rest 15 secs, sprint, rest, etc to 6 sprints

Jump rope 1 min, 30 sec rest, for 4 sets of jump ropes

35 box jumps, 30 secs rest, 3 sets

Am I doing it right?
Anyone here ever try P90X? (dont know if it was posted)

Ive been a gym head for about 5 years, i made the mistake of trying to bulk up my freshmen yr in college without creating/following a proper diet,
and ive been paying for it ever since.

i still go to the gym, however but its mostly out of habit, and without real motivation...

anyway i keep hearing about P90X, any info would be great
thinking about getting certified to be a personal trainer...any body on here a certified pt...? looking for some advice or pointers...
ive been going to the gym for 5 days a week, i jog a mile, ride the bike for 5m, then do stairmaster for 15-20min, im 16, 240,

when should i start working out to become brolic, i still want to be taller
Originally Posted by Moneyright

ive been going to the gym for 5 days a week, i jog a mile, ride the bike for 5m, then do stairmaster for 15-20min, im 16, 240,

when should i start working out to become brolic, i still want to be taller
lifting doesn't stunt your growth. your only concern should be injury- make sure you start with weight you can manage, and learn proper form,especially on compound lifts.
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

Appreciate the info..

Well my goals are to reduce my Bf % back to 6% [its curretly 12%] and to bulk up a bit while getting ripped in the mid section as well, that's the reason im running in the morning.

Im also taking Amplified wheybolic and creatine mono. The guy at GNC told me that I shouldn't be OD'n on cardio Because it takes away the water that's sappose to be going to my muscles from the creatine thus probably making the Creatine effect useless.

I am just going to take away running at all and just rely on the Insanity workout [it alone is hell] to get a good cardio/resistance training and continue to hit the gym and do the partial seal workout
i assume you're based on your goal (reducing bodyfat %) there's really no point in taking creatine.
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