Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

how's this for a HIIT cardio exercise?

5 min warmup, then 1 minute jog, 1 minute sprint. i do that for roughly 15 mins and then a 5 minute cooldown. i use the elliptical and raise the resistance to around 12 for the sprints and keep at 7 for the jogs. it says i burn roughly 350 calories. anything i should switch up? and what're some good pre and post workout meals/snacks for this?
Why don't you just run for HIIT? Chances are machines can't go fast enough for you when you burst out for the fast movement. I know thetreadmills at my gym only go up to 10.0 and that's not even sprinting for me..that's just running. I run outdoors for my HIIT, I do a 30 second splitbetween running and jogging. After 10 sets I'm tired as hell. And this is coming from an endurance runner who runs at least 15 miles a week. The warm upis good, but I have never cool down. I just stretch again and go back inside the house to eat. (I plan my HIIT before dinner time).

Like I said before, the beauty of HIIT is not the calories being burned at the moment, it's how it speeds up your metabolism to burn the calories AFTER thework out.
I can definitely do HIIT for longer than 20 minutes but on the stationary bike. Doing it running is certainly harder, and I would, but I've been havingknee problems. As some of you recommended I cut down on my HIIT time, yesterday I did:

5 minute warmup, then 20 total minutes of 30s sprints followed by 45s cruising probably @ 70-80% sprint speed. I definitely got a good workout from it, evenprobably comparable to the 35 minute HIIT-style workout I had been doing (30s sprint, 60s slow slow slow pedaling).

Keep in mind I'm doing this on a stationary bike, but it is a good workout nonetheless. I'm sure as hell not trying to brag because I know a lot of youare in better shape then I am, but I have a pretty decent stamina for HIIT: not sure if it's from playing college tennis and keeping in relative shape eversince or if it's because I've been messing with HIIT for a few years since I first read about it on here, but I can do it and not be totally sore thenext day. And I felt like I busted my **# doing it yesterday too.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

I can definitely do HIIT for longer than 20 minutes but on the stationary bike. Doing it running is certainly harder, and I would, but I've been having knee problems. As some of you recommended I cut down on my HIIT time, yesterday I did:

5 minute warmup, then 20 total minutes of 30s sprints followed by 45s cruising probably @ 70-80% sprint speed. I definitely got a good workout from it, even probably comparable to the 35 minute HIIT-style workout I had been doing (30s sprint, 60s slow slow slow pedaling).

Keep in mind I'm doing this on a stationary bike, but it is a good workout nonetheless. I'm sure as hell not trying to brag because I know a lot of you are in better shape then I am, but I have a pretty decent stamina for HIIT: not sure if it's from playing college tennis and keeping in relative shape ever since or if it's because I've been messing with HIIT for a few years since I first read about it on here, but I can do it and not be totally sore the next day. And I felt like I busted my **# doing it yesterday too.

A bike is non-weight bearing...thats why its easier. Run.
^ I guess we all do different HIIT workouts. Mine is comprised of 10 min jog at 7.0-7.5, then 1 min intervals of sprint and walk for 10 minutes. The treadmillat my gym goes up to 12.0 so it works out well for me and then another 10 min of a jog usually at 6.5-7.0 dpending on how my legs feel. So my total workout is30 minutes. The one article I read said beginners should start at 15 min jog, one minute intervals of sprint and jog for 15 min, and then finish off at 15 minjog. I am sure there are other HIIT workouts, but this is the one that I do and really only know haha.
i find that the elliptical helps my workout a lot. It's getting REALLY cold out so running is not an option (plus I got bad knees). the ellipticaldoesn't hinder my ability to go extra fats, but I do think I'll do 30 second intervals where I can push myself that much harder.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ItzJono

I'm trying to gain mass. but have a hard time having a six meal plan however i'm eating my regular 3 meals a day but consuming more, therefore increasing my calories. So my question is will i still be gaining mass eating 3 meals a day with an increased amount of cals?

The jurys out on meal timing.. I prefer 3-4 main meals opposed to 6 'smaller' meals. I think one reason behind the increase in meals throughout the day is that it keeps the metabolism honest. I guess if your cutting this would be good, but ive seen some meal plans who have a piece of fruit as 1 of the 6 meals.. :s its like damn a banana only?

Basically if you eat above your maintenance your going to gain weight. Doesn't matter if you eat 6 meals at once if its above your maintenance, your gaining weight. Eat below your maintenance (deficit) your going to lose weight.

The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junk all day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? There was a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????

Thanks..I'm new to this working out and was a little worried i wasn't dieting right.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Muscle confusion
also gives one body part a little bit of a rest, so it can go heavy again

key for this to work is small rest periods

But if you do this every time you do that split, its not considered muscle confusion.

I agree with the second part and thats basically what I was hoping you were going to say. It works for the split that you had mentioned, but not for them all.

Yup still muscle confusion
because it takes ur muscle 21 days to get use to something, So my muscle will get use to it and ill keep doing it for a while then switch to a differentprogram
it works for me, which is the most important thing

I agree with that split dont work for every workout, like i dont split my leg workouts
but almost everything else i split
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by Durden7

Muscle confusion
also gives one body part a little bit of a rest, so it can go heavy again

key for this to work is small rest periods

But if you do this every time you do that split, its not considered muscle confusion.

I agree with the second part and thats basically what I was hoping you were going to say. It works for the split that you had mentioned, but not for them all.
Yup still muscle confusion
because it takes ur muscle 21 days to get use to something, So my muscle will get use to it and ill keep doing it for a while then switch to a different program
it works for me, which is the most important thing

I agree with that split dont work for every workout, like i dont split my leg workouts
but almost everything else i split

Your workout isnt muscle confusion though, whats what I was getting at.

The 21 days number is debatable too, but im not going to get into that.
Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ I guess we all do different HIIT workouts. Mine is comprised of 10 min jog at 7.0-7.5, then 1 min intervals of sprint and walk for 10 minutes. The treadmill at my gym goes up to 12.0 so it works out well for me and then another 10 min of a jog usually at 6.5-7.0 dpending on how my legs feel. So my total workout is 30 minutes. The one article I read said beginners should start at 15 min jog, one minute intervals of sprint and jog for 15 min, and then finish off at 15 min jog. I am sure there are other HIIT workouts, but this is the one that I do and really only know haha.
I still don't understand how you can jog at 7-7.5 for 10 mins and would consider the work out to be HIIT.

You can Google "HIIT" and find a plethora of articles and break down of the work out.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ I guess we all do different HIIT workouts. Mine is comprised of 10 min jog at 7.0-7.5, then 1 min intervals of sprint and walk for 10 minutes. The treadmill at my gym goes up to 12.0 so it works out well for me and then another 10 min of a jog usually at 6.5-7.0 dpending on how my legs feel. So my total workout is 30 minutes. The one article I read said beginners should start at 15 min jog, one minute intervals of sprint and jog for 15 min, and then finish off at 15 min jog. I am sure there are other HIIT workouts, but this is the one that I do and really only know haha.
I still don't understand how you can jog at 7-7.5 for 10 mins and would consider the work out to be HIIT.

You can Google "HIIT" and find a plethora of articles and break down of the work out.
I think he probably uses those runs as a warm up and a cool down. Although a 10 min 7mph "warm-up" is OD.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Its not HIIT if you dont feel like your about to die.
Yep. You're suppose to be gasping for air, face looking like you're about to collapse.

Warm up is very important for HIIT, but not to that extend of 7-7.5 for 10 mins. It should be used to warm your body up and help lower the risk of injurysince doing HIIT takes quite a toll on your body.
My HIIT is only 10 mins MAX. I do it every three non-sequential days a week. 30 sec pace at 4 mph, 90 sec pace at 8.5 mph (will up the ante once I feel itgets too easy to 9 mph). I built up so much saliva everytime and can't swallow it back into my throat because I'm breathing so damn hard. I always goto the bathroom after my HIIT to spit out my saliva and cool down. HIIT is no joke.

I'm at a steady 161 lbs
, was 176 lbs two months ago.
The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junk all day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? There was a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????
You're probably losing more muscle than fat if you're taking in less calories while having a poor diet.
Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ I guess we all do different HIIT workouts. Mine is comprised of 10 min jog at 7.0-7.5, then 1 min intervals of sprint and walk for 10 minutes. The treadmill at my gym goes up to 12.0 so it works out well for me and then another 10 min of a jog usually at 6.5-7.0 dpending on how my legs feel. So my total workout is 30 minutes. The one article I read said beginners should start at 15 min jog, one minute intervals of sprint and jog for 15 min, and then finish off at 15 min jog. I am sure there are other HIIT workouts, but this is the one that I do and really only know haha.


HIIT is NOT meant to be done on treadmills/stationary bikes. Sprinting is meant for outdoors in the open so you can go balls out. I've maxed out thetreadmill before and although my legs are moving fast, that's all there doing, there's no real propulsion involved on the treadmill and that's whatultimately exhaust your muscles.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by sloanboy

Anyone try this? Any thoughts? I absolutely love fruit juices but hate milkshakes, and thats the standard taste of protein shakes and they work so I deal with it. I'd love to try this stuff but it almost seems too good to be true for me
imma try it next it has a high rating on
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

My HIIT is only 10 mins MAX. I do it every three non-sequential days a week.
Same here. I use sprinting as a way of warming up and prepping my legs for plyo moves. I swear, today my workout was less than 20 minutes. Startedout with hiit and did some plyo moves like jump squats and alternating lunges and I was done. I'm a strong believer in high reps for endurance with legs,and sprints/cycling prior to plyometric moves really work you hard.
Originally Posted by Durden7

The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junk all day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? There was a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????
The thing about this is that if you get the recommended dosage of each food group, the rest of the calories you consume can come from any food source. Obviously its better that you eat nutrient dense foods, but the rest of the calories can come from any source. You CAN lose weight this way, although its not the healthiest way to do it.

What is the recommended dosage? My basic premise is that I know if i'll have something with empty calories i'll ensure i'll try tohave 300-500 cals or whatever below my maintenance as spare so it wont 'spill' over.

..My dog just died today, this morning in his sleep right next to me. He was 12yrs old.. I just heard him sort of coughing out, but I thought it was just himcoughing per nomral.. woke up this morning called his name and no respone... It sounds kinda silly, but he was my training buddy during P90x haha.. he'djust sit in the corner and watch for about 1hr for 13 weeks. RIP March 23 1997 - OCT 7 2009. #@#! this $+$#...
I think I'm about to do some HIIT again. Just did it on Sunday but yesterday was an unplanned cheat day because of the late night studying....
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ I guess we all do different HIIT workouts. Mine is comprised of 10 min jog at 7.0-7.5, then 1 min intervals of sprint and walk for 10 minutes. The treadmill at my gym goes up to 12.0 so it works out well for me and then another 10 min of a jog usually at 6.5-7.0 dpending on how my legs feel. So my total workout is 30 minutes. The one article I read said beginners should start at 15 min jog, one minute intervals of sprint and jog for 15 min, and then finish off at 15 min jog. I am sure there are other HIIT workouts, but this is the one that I do and really only know haha.
HIIT is NOT meant to be done on treadmills/stationary bikes. Sprinting is meant for outdoors in the open so you can go balls out. I've maxed out the treadmill before and although my legs are moving fast, that's all there doing, there's no real propulsion involved on the treadmill and that's what ultimately exhaust your muscles.
let's be clear here. interval training does NOT equal HIIT. you can easily do interval training on a treadmill, but not HIIT. the treadmilli use once in a while goes up to 16 (but it's actually around 11.5 mph). definitely not HIIT potential. i'mnot an endurance guy by any means, but i can crank out 2 minutes at that pace while holding a conversation. even at full incline, i can still maintain forseveral minutes. the treadmills at the gym go slightly faster, but still aren't fast enough. plus, they're pretty dangerous if you're at fullincline trying to slow the thing down after an almost all out sprint.

stationary bike is not much better, but if you stand on the pedals for the sprints, you can crank a lot harder/faster. keep in mind you should still be goingfor a fast cadence (pedaling speed)... something like 80-120 cycles per minute. the same with elliptical.

for those with bad knees, do you run with a lot of heelstrike? when you're running sprints you should be up on the balls of your feet, so it lessens theshock on your knees. if it's cold out, you can do sprints on an indoor bball court (try sprinting the length of the court and back, then speedwalk thesame distance, repeat 10 times). you can even do pool running in a 4ft deep section of a pool. for the pool, you don't really have to move forward, youcan basically run in place. make sure you run with "high knees" and exaggerated arm movements, and make each "stride" as fast as possible.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by Durden7

The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junk all day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? There was a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????
The thing about this is that if you get the recommended dosage of each food group, the rest of the calories you consume can come from any food source. Obviously its better that you eat nutrient dense foods, but the rest of the calories can come from any source. You CAN lose weight this way, although its not the healthiest way to do it.
What is the recommended dosage? My basic premise is that I know if i'll have something with empty calories i'll ensure i'll try to have 300-500 cals or whatever below my maintenance as spare so it wont 'spill' over.

6 oz of whole grains
2.5 cups of veggies
2 cups of fruits
3 cups of dairy
5.5 oz of meats/grains

BTW, for those of you who are doing HIIT for 10 or 20 minutes.... youre not getting a good enough workout.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by Durden7

Muscle confusion
also gives one body part a little bit of a rest, so it can go heavy again

key for this to work is small rest periods

But if you do this every time you do that split, its not considered muscle confusion.

I agree with the second part and thats basically what I was hoping you were going to say. It works for the split that you had mentioned, but not for them all.
Yup still muscle confusion
because it takes ur muscle 21 days to get use to something, So my muscle will get use to it and ill keep doing it for a while then switch to a different program
it works for me, which is the most important thing

I agree with that split dont work for every workout, like i dont split my leg workouts
but almost everything else i split
Your workout isnt muscle confusion though, whats what I was getting at.

The 21 days number is debatable too, but im not going to get into that.

I could be wrong since im not a expert, but like it and it seems to be working. Now its to get my cardio in over drive, Right now i do 5 days a week highintense cardio, and Saturday i play basketball. Ill do Stair climbing, Cycling, Speed skipping (with boxing), next week ill be skipping with a Muay Thai ropesince Speed the speed rope is getting boring. Thanks Durden7 for your insight
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