Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

wj4 wrote:

BTW how long further do you guys think we should keep this thread going before making a part II? I'm thinking that the high page count may discourage some folks from coming in here.
I mean the biggest thread on NT is like 900 pages I see no reason to start a new one.. as a matter of fact I was here when it begun kinda proud to see the progression from 1page to 200
Yes, it doesn't matter for us. But to someone who is on the verge of wanting to come in might be intimidated.

Yall already too advanced
lost me when I first came intothis thread
Originally Posted by Al Audi

All American EFX is the only brand Kre Alkalyn I use. The difference between the OG and the Pro I believe is they put something in it to help you burn off fat, like green and black tea or something if I recall.

it says to take a pill before and after workouts should i?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Anyone ever hear of the brand Oh Yeah! ?

i know someone who bought these strawberry peanut butter oh yeah bars

goofy name, don't know how they tasted since i'm allergic to pb but he liked em.

i avoid protein bars, never seen one with a good profile.
I had a good workout today, but I almost took an injury L. After I got done deadlifting, I start putting away the weight and I get a sharp pain on the righthand side of my lower back! I got shook because the pain lasted for a good 3 mins, but thank goodness it subsided.

But, my diet took an L, my stomach has been F'd up all day, I barely ate
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Anyone ever hear of the brand Oh Yeah! ?

i know someone who bought these strawberry peanut butter oh yeah bars

goofy name, don't know how they tasted since i'm allergic to pb but he liked em.

i avoid protein bars, never seen one with a good profile.

Its an incredibly goofy name, it took me awhile to take it seriously.

We carry those products at work, and first I was skeptical of them but the more I looked at their drinks/bars im beginning to like their content.

Of all the protein related products we carry (Muscle Milk, a bunch of other non-popular brands) its the best price/quality.
Protein bars are good littel treats.. they usually have more ingredients than listed. A bar that states it has 10g carbs, will probably have 20-30 with allthat sugar etc.. in it.

But hey moderation is all good.

Im craving some Mexican food.. ooooooh
Originally Posted by I3

Protein bars are good littel treats.. they usually have more ingredients than listed. A bar that states it has 10g carbs, will probably have 20-30 with all that sugar etc.. in it.

But hey moderation is all good.

Im craving some Mexican food.. ooooooh
Some people make their own protein bars from whey powder too since most of the ones out there got a crap load of sugar, amongst other stuff.
How long does the body take getting used to ones diet?

For example i've been cutting for around 2 months now and looking to slow bulk/recomp for 3-4 months increasing my cals around 150-300 a week until imsatisfied with my weight gain..
I think im near my target bf% around 11% and im looking to add more muscle, as I can tell my leg days are getting weaker as I up the weight. Plus I cant waitto eat bigger portions. Last time I calculated my target intake was around 2800 cals (147-150 @ 10-11%).

I want to do this the slow way, so im guessing this will take ~12 months
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Anyone ever hear of the brand Oh Yeah! ?

i know someone who bought these strawberry peanut butter oh yeah bars

goofy name, don't know how they tasted since i'm allergic to pb but he liked em.

i avoid protein bars, never seen one with a good profile.

Its an incredibly goofy name, it took me awhile to take it seriously.

We carry those products at work, and first I was skeptical of them but the more I looked at their drinks/bars im beginning to like their content.

Of all the protein related products we carry (Muscle Milk, a bunch of other non-popular brands) its the best price/quality.
yeah i just looked at the profile....definitely looks better than your average protein bar.....still high in saturated fat but not OD

they look pretty good too.

i avoid them so i'm no expert but if i had to pick a protein bar this would be a good choice

i'd rather just eat some nuts or something though.....not as much protein, but a fair amount + a ton of healthy fats and calories that will fill you up forthe time being, and no artificial nonsense or anything unhealthy.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

Anyone try this? Any thoughts? I absolutely love fruit juices but hate milkshakes, and thats the standard taste of protein shakes and they work soI deal with it. I'd love to try this stuff but it almost seems too good to be true for me
You can make your own protein bars too.. I seen this clip where theres no cooking at all. Simply add oats + whey + pb and mix with a lil water, then place themin foil and refridgerate or eat immediately.


im with you on that one. nuts are excellent snacks..
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by dead in 09


When Working out two muscle groups in a session, what's better?

Say I'm working out my chest and shoulders..

should I do 3 chest exercises, then 3 shoulder exercises


1 chest exercise then 1 shoulder exercise (repeat 3x) a.ka. alternating

does it matter?
It depends
Me personally i would never work chest and shoulders together, but if u are planning on doing it, then finish ur chest then go to shoulders (or vis-versa).

now if u do it my way where i do Chest and upper back then i would alternate
Today i did
(4sets each)
Heavy dumbbell incline chest ( 75,100,110,120)
Weighted wide grip chin ups (25,25,35,35)
dumbbell Flat bench (High Reps) ( 75,85, 95,105)
Pull down machine ( high reps)
(3 sets each)
Machine Flys ( heavy)
cable flys ( focusing on the lower chest) ( high reps)

See with this work out i alternate because its more effective, but then again different things for different people

Also I never tried Gold Standard but i take IsoFlex, what u guys think about that brand?

Im curious to why you say its "more effective"

Not saying it isnt, but im curious to the reasoning.

Back to OPs post:

I normally do a whole area first then move to the secondary area.
Muscle confusion
also gives one body part a little bit of a rest, so it can go heavy again

key for this to work is small rest periods
I'm trying to gain mass. but have a hard time having a six meal plan however i'm eating my regular 3 meals a day but consuming more, thereforeincreasing my calories. So my question is will i still be gaining mass eating 3 meals a day with an increased amount of cals?
Originally Posted by I3

You can make your own protein bars too.. I seen this clip where theres no cooking at all. Simply add oats + whey + pb and mix with a lil water, then place them in foil and refridgerate or eat immediately.


im with you on that one. nuts are excellent snacks..

just bought a huge bag of pistachios

ace of jays- as for the deadlift pain- check your form probably are rounding your back.....good news though, most of those injuries are fine, theywill heal OK if you take some time off and make sure to fix the problem. check your form in a mirror (using weight, not 'shadow lifting' or better yetvideo tape it and post it here or have a friend who knows their stuff critique your form in real life)
how's this for a HIIT cardio exercise?

5 min warmup, then 1 minute jog, 1 minute sprint. i do that for roughly 15 mins and then a 5 minute cooldown. i use the elliptical and raise the resistance toaround 12 for the sprints and keep at 7 for the jogs. it says i burn roughly 350 calories. anything i should switch up? and what're some good pre and postworkout meals/snacks for this?
Originally Posted by ItzJono

I'm trying to gain mass. but have a hard time having a six meal plan however i'm eating my regular 3 meals a day but consuming more, therefore increasing my calories. So my question is will i still be gaining mass eating 3 meals a day with an increased amount of cals?

The jurys out on meal timing.. I prefer 3-4 main meals opposed to 6 'smaller' meals. I think one reason behind the increase in meals throughout theday is that it keeps the metabolism honest. I guess if your cutting this would be good, but ive seen some meal plans who have a piece of fruit as 1 of the 6meals.. :s its like damn a banana only?

Basically if you eat above your maintenance your going to gain weight. Doesn't matter if you eat 6 meals at once if its above your maintenance, yourgaining weight. Eat below your maintenance (deficit) your going to lose weight.

The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junkall day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? Therewas a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????
I felt a little sick today but I still tried to workout today, as a result Ihad a sub par workout, had to do my lifts with lower weight than I'd like.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

how's this for a HIIT cardio exercise?

5 min warmup, then 1 minute jog, 1 minute sprint. i do that for roughly 15 mins and then a 5 minute cooldown. i use the elliptical and raise the resistance to around 12 for the sprints and keep at 7 for the jogs. it says i burn roughly 350 calories. anything i should switch up? and what're some good pre and post workout meals/snacks for this?
it's decent, but i'm guessing you could push yourself more. i can only imagine that your last sprint ends up a lot slower than your firstone. one minute work intervals are pretty long for HIIT. have u tried shorter intervals like 30s/60s sprint/rest? personally i like HIIT much better on atrack or on grass. as far as machines go, elliptical works, but it feels clumsy at fast speeds. stationary bike is decent. i usually avoid treadmill becauseyou can't get them going fast enough.
Muscle confusion
also gives one body part a little bit of a rest, so it can go heavy again

key for this to work is small rest periods

But if you do this every time you do that split, its not considered muscle confusion.

I agree with the second part and thats basically what I was hoping you were going to say. It works for the split that you had mentioned, but not for them all.

The one thing I don't get is when people say no matter what you eat, if you eat below your maintenance you'll lose weight. But what if you eat junk all day, but below lets say a 2500cal maintenance? Surely all that sat. fat and sodium etc. would have a long-term and short-term affect on your body? There was a good analogy: Think of it as a bucket of water, no matter how dirty the water is, if the bucket isn't full it won't overflow...?????????
The thing about this is that if you get the recommended dosage of each food group, the rest of the calories you consume can come from any foodsource. Obviously its better that you eat nutrient dense foods, but the rest of the calories can come from any source. You CAN lose weight this way, althoughits not the healthiest way to do it.
^ For the HIIT you probably want to go for at least a half hour. I personally do it for a half hour and when I was looking at workouts for HIIT it saidbeginners should start at 45 minutes. I'm no expert and I didn't read much into HIIT either.
Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ For the HIIT you probably want to go for at least a half hour. I personally do it for a half hour and when I was looking at workouts for HIIT it said beginners should start at 45 minutes. I'm no expert and I didn't read much into HIIT either.
There's no way any HIIT should/can last 30 mins. HIIT stands for HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. Anything 30 mins or more is consideredendurance training.

HIIT should last around 20 mins at the longest. You're suppose to go balls out, that's why you will fatigue really quickly.
Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

^ For the HIIT you probably want to go for at least a half hour. I personally do it for a half hour and when I was looking at workouts for HIIT it said beginners should start at 45 minutes. I'm no expert and I didn't read much into HIIT either.
HIIT is high intensity interval training. I sure as hell can't do high intensity for half an hourstraight. Ideally, your session should be 10-15 minutes long at the most. Beginners would have even shorter sessions because they won't last too long. Doas many sprints with a high intensity, as you can. Then jog back and start over.
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