Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

DNeou, I superset chest w/back but for my chest and for the most part I focus solely on dumbell presses for my chest portion.  I use one bench but change the angle on it.  I usually pyramid up or down, 3 to 4 working sets, and alternate a heavy day with a light day. 
Still in progress trying to get more cut I'm at 166 currently..but how do I get the bottom abs to pop? Any exercises?

There isnt a way to target the lower portion of your abdominals.  Your abs contract together as a unit so its very difficult to target upper/bottom.  Hanging knee/leg raises work well.  For whatever reason, they seem to help make the lower portion of the abdominals appear.  I personally believe its because of where the motion originates, but thats just my own theory.  (Havent looked into it yet)

Any weighted exercises would be good.  I like to work out the abs maybe 2-3x a week, just like you maybe 2-3 exercises at the end of a workout.  I did side planks, a bit of medicine ball work.

I think the key is variety and form, not so much quantity. Are those exercises you listed on that website at the start of this thread?
Yeah I try to do them M,W,F with 4 exercises a day but I always end up doing just 2.

Its all about form.  As long as all the parts of the core are stimulated, the variety doesnt need to be too extensive.  Yeah, I do believe some of the exercises are on that website.  I dont think all of them are though.

Ill never do a one muscle group per day workout plan ever again.  I HATE it.  Its awful.  I cant wait for the next 2 weeks to be over.  Ugh.
Okay finally getting progress pictures up. The first few are from the summer, come July-early August, probably 2 months into lifting heavy and finally getting into a routine. the last few are from today. It's been a struggle, over the summer I was at about a steady 145, but dirty bulking, and I came down for school and lost somewhere from 7-10 pounds pretty quickly. I just got back into the routine about 2-3 months ago and now I'm at about 138 but eating clean. I'm 20 and 5'5.

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I usually workout 3-4x a week during school. Back. Chest. Legs.
come summer it'll be 5x a week. same routine add in shoulders and arms.
Not that huge of a change but defnitely feeling better than I was over the summer, and glad my strength is back
^Good job man. Im tryin, seeing definite improvements in the chest, arms, and back but seemingly none in my stomach. My diet is my down fall, i always slip up with soda and fries. Smh gotta get it together.
thanks bro. i added more core this time around mainly cuz i'm working with a buddy who wants to slim down and whatnot so kind of training him through everything so i'm kind of trying to define as i bulk moreso than i did over the summer where i just wanted to bulk.
I'm looking to take a testosterone booster. I am 20 years old and trying to revive my testosterone after workouts I feel fully drained from. What product is best or should I just stick to ZMA since I am not trying to build that much mass.

Do I take it before or after workout?

Also, I've been doing pre-workout drinks and recovery drinks and was thinking about implementing something else. I am trying to cut, would it be dumb to take creatine?

Also when taking Creatine is it best you do it before or after workout?

Anything else to help with cutting? I heard CLA, Flaxseed, and a good multivitamin help.

Any advice is great, I am on Day 7 of P90X as of tomorrow and I am drained everyday.

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm looking to take a testosterone booster. I am 20 years old and trying to revive my testosterone after workouts I feel fully drained from. What product is best or should I just stick to ZMA since I am not trying to build that much mass.

Do I take it before or after workout?

Also, I've been doing pre-workout drinks and recovery drinks and was thinking about implementing something else. I am trying to cut, would it be dumb to take creatine?

Also when taking Creatine is it best you do it before or after workout?

Anything else to help with cutting? I heard CLA, Flaxseed, and a good multivitamin help.

Any advice is great, I am on Day 7 of P90X as of tomorrow and I am drained everyday.

How long have you been working out? Are you sure you need a test booster RIGHT NOW?

Well, since you asked, I would recommend Bioforge. The thing is, its sold out lol (and has been oro the last 3 months). You can try calling the company Biotivia. Otherwise wait till the end of the month. It's a good product. It worked for me. Nothing crazy about it. It's not going to make you grow 15 lbs if that's what your thinking. Maybe a few pounds and some leaning out.


OK, that product looks great, but can you answer the other questions. When do I take that product, and the rest of the questions.

I have been working out for about a year now, but just took a week break and started p90x last monday, i just find myself depleted after these workouts even with a good recovery drink. I am really pushing myself on p90x not just BSing the program.
Yooooo I would like to say Congrats first off to DNeou. Great progress!

I on the other hand have been sick and drunk so it has been hard to get in the gym. Just got my xtend and jack3d in.

I'm starting on split work outs but would love to know more about some legit ab workouts if possible
Originally Posted by killaCAM237


OK, that product looks great, but can you answer the other questions. When do I take that product, and the rest of the questions.

I have been working out for about a year now, but just took a week break and started p90x last monday, i just find myself depleted after these workouts even with a good recovery drink. I am really pushing myself on p90x not just BSing the program.
There's nothing wrong with you.  P90X is specifically designed to drain you.
Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

30 minutes bike and 30 minutes tredmill good?
Depends how fast you are going, but i would say it's too much if you are planning to keep this up 5/7 days, if not then, i would start off strong on the treadmill(7-8mph 10-13mins) and then go do bike, your legs will be burning for sure.
So today was my first day lifting....

It went alright...

But I had to stop couple times during my sets on a few of my exercises because I couldn't get the bar up....

I totally forgot how to do the stiff leg deadlift, and ended up doing it totally wrong now that I looked on youtube...

I picked to heavy of weights on most of my exercises because I ended up having to take some off by the 3rd or 4th sets...

Needless to say I got some adjustments to make....
Looking to burn a little bit more body fat, right now I am doing 15 mins daily on the elliptical. I am thinking about throwing in a 10-15 mins on the back, after my workout. Will this be beneficial?

Also, I just finished my 2lbs of Casein, I wasn't pay attention to the results, but do you really think its as important as Whey? Does your body really burn that much protein as you sleep?

I am thinking about either buying a new 5lb tub of ON Whey or some Casein.. thoughts?
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm looking to take a testosterone booster. I am 20 years old and trying to revive my testosterone after workouts I feel fully drained from. What product is best or should I just stick to ZMA since I am not trying to build that much mass.

Do I take it before or after workout?

Also, I've been doing pre-workout drinks and recovery drinks and was thinking about implementing something else. I am trying to cut, would it be dumb to take creatine?

Also when taking Creatine is it best you do it before or after workout?

Anything else to help with cutting? I heard CLA, Flaxseed, and a good multivitamin help.

Any advice is great, I am on Day 7 of P90X as of tomorrow and I am drained everyday.


NO 20 yr old should EVER take a test booster.

Do not do it.
GNC Total Lean[emoji]8482[/emoji] Lean Shake[emoji]8482[/emoji] - Swiss Chocolate or the total lean pills work ?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I'm looking to take a testosterone booster. I am 20 years old and trying to revive my testosterone after workouts I feel fully drained from. What product is best or should I just stick to ZMA since I am not trying to build that much mass.

Do I take it before or after workout?

Also, I've been doing pre-workout drinks and recovery drinks and was thinking about implementing something else. I am trying to cut, would it be dumb to take creatine?

Also when taking Creatine is it best you do it before or after workout?

Anything else to help with cutting? I heard CLA, Flaxseed, and a good multivitamin help.

Any advice is great, I am on Day 7 of P90X as of tomorrow and I am drained everyday.


NO 20 yr old should EVER take a test booster.

Do not do it.

1. Agree 100%.  You're 20. No need for Test boosters.  You're feeling post-exercise fatigue, which is the idea, not low testosterone.  Also, way too many supplements for what you're tryin to do.  Nobody needs a preworkout supplement for P90X it's meant to push you to burn more fat and calories and use some muscle to do it, not the same as a high volume bodybuilding workout or training on a powerlifting program or something.  Cut your dose of whatever preworkout supplement you take in half and try to do some workouts without it at all and see how long it takes to notice a difference. 

2.  Creatine is beneficial, but I don't think you need it right now, especially with the program you're on.  If you do take it, it's meant to be taken post workout.  Also, you don't need a "loading phase" the way some creatine labels will tell you, just take the normal recommended dosage.

Your body doesn't necessarily burn through protein while you sleep.  It just sometimes helps to have protein and amino acids in your system while your sleeping to help aid the recovery process.  If you're looking to really build some muscle, I'd say stick with casein or a blended protein shake right before bed but if you're just trying to stay in shape, lean out, or improve athletic performance you don't really need it.  I take anywhere from 1-3 shakes a day because I'm always working to improve muscle mass.  If I have to lean out, it's down to 0 -1 shake a day.  If you're not trying to size up, just eat right, train, and get alot of sleep.

So I found more pics of me back in December/January. A front, side and back view to let yall get a better perspective of how far I've come.

December/January 2009:

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May 10, 2010:

With Flash:

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Without Flash:

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I hope I'm able to inspire some people just like how some people inspired me on here. If you feel like quitting, DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep your mind and heart focus on the end results. Be determined, focus and dedicate yourself 100%. I cannot tell you how much my personal life has turned upside down because of my weight loss. Women notice me more, I'm more confident in myself, I can wear things that I only dreamed that I can wear before, etc. 

Believe me, it's all worth it in the end. Right now, I'm still in the 4th week of my new workout/diet regimen and I'm loving the results. If anyone needs any help, advice, tip or motivation, feel free to PM me.
When trying to lose weight, are their any products I should invest in. For example GNC products. I don't want assistance so to speak. Just natural stuff that will be good for my body and also something to drink/eat in between big meals would be great too.

Thanks in advance, hope I wasn't too confusing
Originally Posted by iLLest

Originally Posted by RKO2004

When trying to lose weight, are their any products I should invest in. For example GNC products. I don't want assistance so to speak. Just natural stuff that will be good for my body and also something to drink/eat in between big meals would be great too.

Thanks in advance, hope I wasn't too confusing

Multivitamins, Fish Oil, Whey protein (optional) is all you need. 

Any specific products? Shakes cool?
My TRX came in the mail today. Can't wait to try it out, hopefully outdoors. Weather is getting good over here.
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