Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Hey Durden, just curious, what's "modified" about your push/pull days? I'm trying to come up with different mesocycles for my periodization
have a leg workout in 1.5 hours...
trying to figure out some exercises to do
probaby 4-5 but not quite sure yet
so far i know seated calf raises and squats
anyone with ideas?

usually i just go with the flow but i kinda want structure today
Originally Posted by DNeou20

have a leg workout in 1.5 hours...
trying to figure out some exercises to do
probaby 4-5 but not quite sure yet
so far i know seated calf raises and squats
anyone with ideas?

usually i just go with the flow but i kinda want structure today

My legs day goes:
leg press
leg extension
leg curl (laying or seated depending on my feeling)
hip abductors
calf raises
5 minutes of stretching so my muscles dont get as sore the next day
thanks noskey, what are your sets and reps like?
lately its been me and my buddy, me training him really
and we lift for about an hour-hour n a half
Squats - Warm up set with 10 reps, then 3x8
Leg press - 4x8
Extensions - 3x7
Curls - 3x7
Abductors - 2x15
Calves - 2x20

Usually takes me close to an hour and a half with stretches.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Took a little over 20 mile bike ride after work last night in lieu of lifting legs. Pretty sure my ability to sire children is no more.

How long did that take you? Where are you from and where did you ride?

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I tried skipping rope for the first time ever.
Can't get into the groove but once I hit like 15 skips I was so tired. WWTF
Keep working man. You will get where you need to be. Just last week I reached my goal of skipping 1000 times in a row. I felt really good. Burns like hell but I felt really good afterwards.
Vids or it didn't happen.  Jumping rope is a nigh-on impossibility.
No reason to lie man. I used to box when I was younger so I skipped millions of ropes. I just count by 20s while doing it. Makes the goal more reachable psychologically.

 THe only thing I hate about the George Forman is the clean up. I hate cleaning that damn thing man.
DC, I live in Boston but the company I work for is outside of the city. The ride was over an hour, probably around 1:15. Going to make it a once a week thing moving forward.
probably one of the best leg workouts in a while, and it took about 45 minutes to an hour.

mile jog
2x12 seated leg extensions light weight
2x12 laying leg curls light weight
1x12 deep squats (bar)

10-8-6 pyramid squats (155. 175. 185)
4x8 romanian deadlifts (135. 185. 185. 185)
3x12 walking lunges (25 lb each hand)
-3x10 superset (65)
3x12 Seated Calf Raises. [inside, outside, neutral] (2 plates +10)

Core + 5 minute stretch
Well the owner of my gym was doing laundry and I asked him how many towels he goes through. Well he said he puts 25 in both the men's and women's locker rooms. He said the men use way more towels and he suspects that the women don't show. I said, ugh, they need to be showering. They have crevices in their bodies mores o than men.

So I was talking to this other dude and he said he notices that after yoga a lot of the girls just change their clothes, leave the gym and go back to work upstairs. A few after spinning were out of the locker room within 5 mins. Keep in mind this is during the work day, so I know they aren't showering once they leave the gym.

Just something I found interesting.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Well the owner of my gym was doing laundry and I asked him how many towels he goes through. Well he said he puts 25 in both the men's and women's locker rooms. He said the men use way more towels and he suspects that the women don't show. I said, ugh, they need to be showering. They have crevices in their bodies mores o than men.

So I was talking to this other dude and he said he notices that after yoga a lot of the girls just change their clothes, leave the gym and go back to work upstairs. A few after spinning were out of the locker room within 5 mins. Keep in mind this is during the work day, so I know they aren't showering once they leave the gym.

Just something I found interesting.
[Cleveland Brown] "Ewwh That's Nasty"
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Hey Durden, just curious, what's "modified" about your push/pull days? I'm trying to come up with different mesocycles for my periodization
Its Chest/Shoulder/Tri, Legs, and Back/Bi.

I dont like splitting leg workouts into push/pull.  I also dont like putting them onto the push day which is where they should be.  Its just too many exercises in one day.
Ah yeah, that's how I've always done mine as well, but I never really considered it "modified", though I guess technically it is.
I've slacked the past few weeks on my leg workouts, although I have been playing pick-up games of soccer on that workout day, so I don't feel as bad.
yeah i dont do as intense or much of leg workouts anymore
atleast when i'm down in eugene for school...
when i get back up to portland for summer it's on
5 days a week, every body part, upping weight, everything
for as much as i've lifted here i'm satisfied though i guess
back to the strength i was at over the summer
just not necessarily as big, but its okay.
^ you have to rest for sure. If the pain is to much I'd get it checked out. Better to heal then rush back into heavy weight and get reinjured.
I just realized the left side of my erector spinae is REALLY built up... and right side is, well, not. I have pretty bad scoliosis... but I'm wondering what I should do to help even it out. Not even for aesthetics, but I'm sure my back would benefit from having been equally developed in terms of aiding the spine.
Week 1 of my carb cycling is over. Noticeable difference in the amount of water weight I carry. Total loss of about 2 lbs this week. I'ma see if I can get even better at this by tightening down even more next week. Last night had gummy bears during iron man....couldn't resist.
Any isometric exercises for the upper body?
I got planks, side planks and neck presses down already
Anyone have a compound workout that's high intensity and relatively short? I wanna put on lean muscle and a little size. And lose like 3 lbs of fat...but I keep drinking and eating horribly
I'll post progress pics in like a week when I get my camera back from this chick.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Anyone have a compound workout that's high intensity and relatively short? I wanna put on lean muscle and a little size. And lose like 3 lbs of fat...but I keep drinking and eating horribly
I'll post progress pics in like a week when I get my camera back from this chick.

   For a month quit drinking, eat clean proteins, fruits, and veggies...only drink water or coffee if you feel tired stick to that plus do about 3 hours of high intensity cardio per week and I guarantee you will lose atleast 7 add mucsle supplement weights into your workout before your cardio
I just recently discovered I have patellar tendonitis...anybody have the same condition and willing to share some of their exercises?

Anything to strengthen the muscles around the tendon?
Originally Posted by AG 47

I just recently discovered I have patellar tendonitis...anybody have the same condition and willing to share some of their exercises?
Anything to strengthen the muscles around the tendon?

Work on your quads
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