Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Oh, and today this was part of my breakfast.
* 3 scoops protein powder (vanilla or chocolate)
* 4 egg whites
* 1 tablespoon peanut butter
* 8 oz water
* 2 cups ice

++glass of OJ, bowl of Kashi w/ white milk and banana

Soy Jizim
Originally Posted by lebrady23

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

But why do you feel you NEED to take a powder form of protein?
welllll...i dont really know haha i just thought that it was an easy way to get a lot of protein and im not taking any right now but what youre saying is it isnt necessary?
I'm not calling you out or anything, but do you know what protein does? Do you know how much you get from your diet? How intense and frequent are your workouts? These are a few of the factors that need to be accounted for when evaluating protein intake. I advise you to do research on nutrition before you listen to internet gurus. Pick up a basic biology textbook or a book that discusses the macro and micronutrients(certain minerals, vitamins, etc.) and learn from there. It's the end of the semester for most and textbooks should be easy to come by now. The basic science is the same. The only area of conflict in fitness is how much of each is optimal. You've got a lot of time to figure that out through experimentation for yourself.
From what I can gather, protein from processed sources are not nearly as good for you as their whole food counterparts. Supplements tend to be filled with loads of additives which can overwhelm your body and have not been proven to be effective. Many gains that people make can't be attributed to one thing and one thing only. Many people change everything at once and that makes it hard to pinpoint the important factor. For example, many people clean up their diet, exercise, and begin to supplement all around the same time. The gains that are made can't be attributed to only one single factor. That tricks people into thinking that all factors, or one of the less likely factors is to attribute to gains.

Here's my advice: Wait for a few months before you consider supplementing protein. First see how you do on whole foods. Check how much protein that your diet has. Evaluate it, and then see whether you actually need the protein. If you're making solid gains without it, wait before you add the protein powder. Make sure that you're working out well. Don't neglect body parts and make sure your diet is relatively clean.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

you should be eating after a workout, just keep it healthy if youd like to be lean

just train abs with your other muscles 1-2 days out the week

doesnt matter really
I figured it wouldn't really matter when I work them out, but for instance, I got home from the gym an hour or so ago, and I am about to eat dinner. I didn't work out abs at the gym (had to get home to get something done), so I plan on working them out later tonight in my home. How long after I eat dinner (A salad w/ pieces of chicken, if that matters) can I work them out?
after a big meal i would workout about 2 hours later. best thing to do is to drink a recovery or protein shake at the most 30 minutes after your workout so your body has the proper nutrients to fuel muscle rebuilding and recovery.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am still kinda funny about how I feel about grown humans consuming milk from another animal. The whole concept always was weird to me. I have slowed down a lot. But I love Special K and all of its different flavors.

Trying not to consume any meat for a month and will spike up my veggie intake.
Why the unsettled state about milk?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

you should be eating after a workout, just keep it healthy if youd like to be lean

just train abs with your other muscles 1-2 days out the week

doesnt matter really
I figured it wouldn't really matter when I work them out, but for instance, I got home from the gym an hour or so ago, and I am about to eat dinner. I didn't work out abs at the gym (had to get home to get something done), so I plan on working them out later tonight in my home. How long after I eat dinner (A salad w/ pieces of chicken, if that matters) can I work them out?

honestly dont think it's that big of a deal. lol

id work them out right after.

who knows you might get cramps though.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
I just started C-Bol and that #%%% does NOTHING for me. I don't feel a thing.
word? how long u been using it?
3 Weeks now. I wanna hurry up and finish it so I can move on to something else.

ON it is .......
Lurk, what u gotta say about this fam?
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by iLLest

I finally decided to take some progress pics today. This is from Nov. 30th 2009 - May 2nd 2010. It was not a consistent 5 months to say the least. I was on and off for a while. Partying and drinking bad a lot of the times. But for the most part I put in the work I needed. Never gave up. Stayed pushing. Worked out 5 days a week starting January 17th I believe? 1 muscle a day and cardio on all days. Just recently I have given up drinking, smoking and am now on a very clean diet and workout routine so I look forward to my future results. Anyways here they are.
November 30th 2009


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May 2nd 2010


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Bonus Douche Bag Picture

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Congrats on the progress man. I bet gettin off the cigs and liquor make you feel real fresh. How does your routine look like? 
For my fitness heads in general, how often do you workout a week? I find that if I work out or play sports 5 times out of the week, my body becomes very tired to the point of needing naps and such. I usually go to the gym 2x a week and stay at the handball courts 2x a week as well. 
iLL. Progress is impressive. 
Edz. Mon-Sat.
Good luck with the Keto diet poster, I give you 5 days before you come crawling back to carbs.

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I lasted 3
for all NYC (tri-state area)

peep  this nutrition-analysis on this site to show what and how much you need to eat to 

achieve a certain personal goal....   

i aint even a fan of "healthy food" like that but damn this stuff looks good. Got to try the chicken quesadilla for free and it was 

mad convenient b/c i dont got time to prepare and plan my diet so i think ima try this out.

i wanna shed some fat-pounds and then gain like 5 lbs of muscle for the summer. 

btw did anybody else try this?
can someone get more detailed about carb cycling. I would like any info before i look into trying. When your doing this do you rid yourself of all ccarbs then come back on them heavy or a moderate level?? Also whats the complete difference between good carbs and bad cards, i just need a little more clarification. Like i know 100% whole wheat bread is good carbs right? any info would be great.
progress pics. I actually don't think you can notice much change since the last time, since I think the weight I've gained is mostly on my legs and back.

Actually flexing a little in this one.
So I've been working out on and off since my first year in college. But it was not until two years ago I started working out seriously. 
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week for about an hour. I thought I was doing something right until I saw SNEAKERKING7's progress pic. lol. 

And I was looking at my progress pics and I realized my progress level was minimal compared to the amount of work and time I put in and also to the pics Sneakerking7 posted haha. 

I posted my progress pics below which are from april 09 to april 10 and what's frustrating me is that my weight is still around the same at 155.

So I decided to post on here to ask for some advice. I would like to add a little more mass and gain weight especially on my chest and arms. 

I was a big fan of high reps but I am now switching to 5x5 and see if that can help me gain some mass.

This is what my work out looks like:

Monday - Chest and abs (upper abs)

Tuesday - Arms

Wednesday - Shoulders and abs (oliques)

Thursday - Back and chest (p90x)

Friday -  rest

Saturday - Legs and abs (lower abs)

Sunday - rest

Any feedback or advice would be appreciated (Durden7 where you at? haha)

Oh, and I apologize for poor pic quality. These are all I could find. 

Progress Pics

April 2009 (when I was cutting like a mofo. ~8% bf)

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October 2009 (~8% bf)

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April 2010

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Little Brotha:

It's probably about 90% nutrition. If you've been eating in a way that keeps you around 8% bodyfat (good job on that BTW) then it's definitely not enough calories to gain any mass. You need to not worry about adding a little bit of bodyfat and just eat like there's not tomorrow in some sense. I don't mean go crazy and $1 double-cheeseburgers every day but you need to eat a big breakfast with a good source of protein and complex carbs, and each meal after that should be around 20 grams of protein or more and anywhere from 50-100 grams of carbs. Don't worry too much about fat intake. If you keep most of your meals clean (Whole food sources without any processing like chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables, grains, fruits, steak, etc...) you can afford a few cheat meals and some fat in your diet here and there.

Training wise, I'm not sure what you consider high reps, but doing 5x5 is generally used to increase strength, and you're normally only able to just get that 5 reps and no more. I would try to do most exercises between 8-12 reps to failure. That's about as short-sweet-and-to-the-point as I can make it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am still kinda funny about how I feel about grown humans consuming milk from another animal. The whole concept always was weird to me. I have slowed down a lot. But I love Special K and all of its different flavors.

Trying not to consume any meat for a month and will spike up my veggie intake.
Why the unsettled state about milk?
I told you man the whole concept of a grown mammal drinking the milk of another grown mammal goes against most forms of nature. Just seems weird to me.

I went to the dentist today and my mouth is sore as hell (no $%#%). Can hardly chew. Brought some beans to work with me so I will have to see if I can eat them. Don't know what I will be able to eat later.
Got my protein and creatine in today, start my routine and diet Monday, I can't wait...

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When I do squats sometimes my knees buckle a little bit when I'm going back up. Is there any way I can prevent this besides using lighter weights?
little brother havin veins in my lower stomach area is a goal of mine.. good job on maintainin such a low body fat..gain more pounds and go to ten percent body fat you'll be more happy
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am still kinda funny about how I feel about grown humans consuming milk from another animal. The whole concept always was weird to me. I have slowed down a lot. But I love Special K and all of its different flavors.

Trying not to consume any meat for a month and will spike up my veggie intake.
Why the unsettled state about milk?
I told you man the whole concept of a grown mammal drinking the milk of another grown mammal goes against most forms of nature. Just seems weird to me.

I went to the dentist today and my mouth is sore as hell (no $%#%). Can hardly chew. Brought some beans to work with me so I will have to see if I can eat them. Don't know what I will be able to eat later.
How does it go against most form of nature?

Animals eat other animals.  Im sure other mammals would drink a cows milk if they had a way to get it.  Humans eat the offspring of chickens.  We eat seeds which in essence are the offpsring of plants.

It seems pretty natural to me.
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