Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

help ?

so all winter I went with just cardio & training ( i do non professional , gym circuit boxing ) with light weights. ( this being only because I wanted to lose weight, from 180 to currently 170 )

now that I find myself at the perfect weight , Id like to hit the weights and get jacked.

Monday - Run

Tuesday- lift

Weds - Run

Thursday - off

Reason why i was off is.. well i feel like such a noob again, my tri's have a burning sensation.

Post workout , I had muscle milk & a chicken salad.

Nt, any tips or recommendations on helping me resolve this "hurt" feeling, my buddy told me about taking or having more shakes after workouts to sooth muscles,

what do you folks say/think

recommend me some stuff

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Please resize that pic.


Does anyone see anything wrong with this??? really? 250g of carbs in 2 scoops???? This almost seems dangerous to consume!
Durden, care to chime in??
The thing is that its not 250g of "real" carbohydrates.

Check out the list of ingredients.  First of all its a massive list and anytime you have a list of ingredients that is that long the product isnt healthy for you.  The first ingredient listed is malodextrin.  Thats where all the carbohydrates come from.  Its not real food.  Hell, its not even close to real food.
In my quest for "bulking", are these carbs [from not real food] unproductive?
Ive estimated a need for `300g of carb a day. Aside from unhealthy, are these 'hollow' numbers or will they actually help me bulk.

Understanding the difficulty of a completely clean bulk, would using ON Serious Mass be alright for a few days a week. On certain days I just don't have the time or patience for organizing clean and whole foods AND meeting the macro goals.

Yeah, those carbs are going to be very unproductive.  Youre better off eating 3ounces of pasta/noodles or some whole wheat bread/bagel.
It would be alright on occasion, but I certainly wouldnt make a habit of it and try everything else before I resorted to the shake.

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Am I over-working myself by doing 10 sets with 10 reps with my max weight?

On Back day I do:
Seated Cable Rows: 10x10... 150lbs
Cable Lat Pull Downs: 10x7-9... 135lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6x7-8... 135lbs

On Leg/Shoulder day:
Arnold Presses: 10x10... 25lbs
Barbell Squat: 10x10... 135lbs
Dead lift: 5x7-8... 135lbs


Thanks for the comments CaptainCrown..

Durden7, Trainers, and other experienced people have any knowledge on this?

Yeah youre def. over-working yourself by doing all of those sets/reps.  No more than 5 sets MAX.
Originally Posted by iLLest

Does this count as a form of HIIT?

Speed 6.0
Every .10 miles go up .5 speed.
.10=6.5 speed
.20=7 speed
.30=7.5 speed

All the way up to 8.5 speed then repeat the steps back down to 6.0 then repeat.
no, those aren't "intervals" per se. that's a build up. HIIT would be one minute at 6, thirty seconds at 10, one minute at 6, thirty secs at 10, etc. until u can't do it anymore. so roughly 5-8 times. if u can do more than youre not pushing hard enough.
but yeah, treadmills kinda suck for HIIT. 
Originally Posted by iLLest

Thanks mcnoodlez. So does what I'm doing count for anything? lol.

And 2 more questions.

1. I've ran out of protein and haven't been eating that good lately. Eating wayyyy too much. How bad is it if I don't eat anything after working out at night. Just coming home, showering, sleeping?

2. If I were to stay home all day from the minute I wake up until I go to the gym. Meaning no walking, running or anything to get my blood flowing or anything and then go hard in the gym. Is that bad, unhealthy, or anything negative?

Thanks. Hope those questions didn't make me sound too dumb. =/
what you're doing is good cardio and burns calories. HIIT exhausts your body to the point where it revs up your metabolism, burning more calories over time. 
how long does a workout take for some of yall?

I just hoop for 4 hours some days but want to start hitting the gym. dont really want to lift for 2 hours a day lol
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

how long does a workout take for some of yall?

I just hoop for 4 hours some days but want to start hitting the gym. dont really want to lift for 2 hours a day lol

if it takes you more than an hour you are just a seat warmer
what are some healthy filling foods. because when im trying to diet...i just b so hungry lol. i dont even eat a lot but i be sooo hungry and ill wind up eating something i shouldnt.

my typical diet it like:

morning- protein shake (just whey and water) and oatmeal
am snack- apple
lunch- chicken breast and veggies or turkey patty and veggies or whole wheat pasta
afternoon snack- honey roasted peanuts
and i usually dont eat dinner because i get off so late.

i think i need to change my diet to incorporate foods that fill me up but are still beneficial.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

i'm gaining weight at a nice pace. also, semester is almost over, which means more focus.

I refuse to look at the scale but I think I'm gaining too. I'm eating so much lately.
I have eight finals next week. I refuse to miss a session in the gym though! I'm doing rippetoes 5x5 intermediate program and it's going greattttt
saw a dude lifting weights at the gym yesterday with one arm....

So yall able-bodied people with all of your limbs attached really have no excuse
Workout time varies.

If you're doing circuit training then finishing in less than 30-minutes is extremely likely.

If you're just targeting 1-2 muscles per workout then you should be finished lifting in less than an hour.

If you're doing full body workouts then going two hours is going to happen.

There is no set amount of time you should be aiming for when lifting..."oh, I've been lifting for 59 minutes...1 more minute and I'm done". Your workout should be over when you've accomplished your goals for the day.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Workout time varies.

If you're doing circuit training then finishing in less than 30-minutes is extremely likely.

If you're just targeting 1-2 muscles per workout then you should be finished lifting in less than an hour.

If you're doing full body workouts then going two hours is going to happen.

There is no set amount of time you should be aiming for when lifting..."oh, I've been lifting for 59 minutes...1 more minute and I'm done". Your workout should be over when you've accomplished your goals for the day.
Agreed, but the goals should also fit within an appropriate time frame and workload.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

what are some healthy filling foods. because when im trying to diet...i just b so hungry lol. i dont even eat a lot but i be sooo hungry and ill wind up eating something i shouldnt.

my typical diet it like:

morning- protein shake (just whey and water) and oatmeal KASHI CEREAL, CHOCOLATE MILK, EGG WHITES
lunch- chicken breast and veggies or turkey patty and veggies or whole wheat pasta DOUBLE YOUR PORTIONS
afternoon snack- honey roasted peanuts PROTEIN BAR, EGG WHITES, NUTELLA SANDWICH WHOLE GRAIN BREAD
and i usually dont eat dinner because i get off so late.

i think i need to change my diet to incorporate foods that fill me up but are still beneficial.

there are some addition ideas.
dinner should be like your lunch, and have an evening snack after that too. i.e. PROTEIN BAR, EGG WHITES, NUTELLA SANDWICH WHOLE GRAIN BREAD
^^^ just make sure you spread them out. smaller portions, more often. Figure out how many carlories from fat,carbs,protien you ideally want per day and simply obtain those from healthy foods. but the key for weight loss is to create a caloric deficit. I dont know off the top of my head how many you will want to obtian per day but you will feel more confortable by spreading it over throughout the day.

I was told not to %+$# around with this 5x5 program, but I want to go this evening (saturday). Will doing arm isolation and floor wipers eff me over?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

^^^ just make sure you spread them out. smaller portions, more often. Figure out how many carlories from fat,carbs,protien you ideally want per day and simply obtain those from healthy foods. but the key for weight loss is to create a caloric deficit. I dont know off the top of my head how many you will want to obtian per day but you will feel more confortable by spreading it over throughout the day.

I was told not to %+$# around with this 5x5 program, but I want to go this evening (saturday). Will doing arm isolation and floor wipers eff me over?
Don't mess with it. It's already a very taxing program. You'll wear out quicker if you keep on tampering with the routine.
I just want to post some knowledge here that some people might find useful coming from a 25 year old who's been lifting on and off for 10 years...

-Don't think your progam your using in the weight room right now is the absolute best, that's why after a couple months I think there should be some change to whatever your doing

-Excess protein is not the way to go (multiple protien shakes, bars, even from foods) I like to experiment and mark down my results...for me what I have found is that I actually gained some lean weight just taking 1 scoop of protein rather than taking 3 post workout over the course of 3 weeks and I can see it in the mirror.

-Never think you know everything because you've lifted for a certain amount of time (I used to do workouts lasting almost 2 hrs I just switched up to 50 minute sessions and I'm seeing some good progress)

-Gym ettiquete is a must

-Nutrition is the trickiest part of getting in shape thats why I think it would be valuable to do enough quality research on it more than what workouts to do.

thats all I can think of right now....I wanted to post this because although I consider myself in shape, i'm not going to ever be one to have an extreme bodybuilder physique or a 6 pack year round. I figure there might be some like minds in this thread who encountered or will encounter what I've said.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

-Excess protein is not the way to go (multiple protien shakes, bars, even from foods) I like to experiment and mark down my results...for me what I have found is that I actually gained some lean weight just taking 1 scoop of protein rather than taking 3 post workout over the course of 3 weeks and I can see it in the mirror.

-Gym ettiquete is a must

-Nutrition is the trickiest part of getting in shape thats why I think it would be valuable to do enough quality research on it more than what workouts to do.
1) curious as to how you judge progress by varying your protein? I'm trying to bulk and I've read SO MUCH conflicting information. Some "experts" say increase caloric content (by increasing fat/carbs/protien). obviously you need to somewhat balance carbs and protein and a cleaner bulk would yeild  fat intake. Others say easy on the protein, doesnt that mean easy on the carbs as well? resulting in lower caloric intake. I have started tracking my carbs fat and protein and just need to know how much of each I should be targeting. This is definitely the most frustrating aspect. I have no problem hitting 100g fat/300g protein/300g carb a day for my bulk but I'm just unsure?

2) can you elaborate on this too? I want to make sure I'm not oblivious to something I'm doing

thanks for the info
Originally Posted by iLLest

This guy is the truth!!!! Will be trying that workout out and also purchasing his 5 day workout plan. Looks promising. Found it yesterday while browsing youtube for new workouts. Don't know how to embed.

Thats actually a pretty good video to follow.  I stopped watching once he got to abs, but everything up until that point was good. 

There were a few minor tweaks I would have made to his form (personal preference, nothing of major concern), but other than that he gave solid advice.  (From what I watched)
Originally Posted by iLLest

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

-Excess protein is not the way to go (multiple protien shakes, bars, even from foods) I like to experiment and mark down my results...for me what I have found is that I actually gained some lean weight just taking 1 scoop of protein rather than taking 3 post workout over the course of 3 weeks and I can see it in the mirror.

-Gym ettiquete is a must

-Nutrition is the trickiest part of getting in shape thats why I think it would be valuable to do enough quality research on it more than what workouts to do.
1) curious as to how you judge progress by varying your protein? I'm trying to bulk and I've read SO MUCH conflicting information. Some "experts" say increase caloric content (by increasing fat/carbs/protien). obviously you need to somewhat balance carbs and protein and a cleaner bulk would yeild  fat intake. Others say easy on the protein, doesnt that mean easy on the carbs as well? resulting in lower caloric intake. I have started tracking my carbs fat and protein and just need to know how much of each I should be targeting. This is definitely the most frustrating aspect. I have no problem hitting 100g fat/300g protein/300g carb a day for my bulk but I'm just unsure?

2) can you elaborate on this too? I want to make sure I'm not oblivious to something I'm doing

thanks for the info
2. He means, put back weights after you use them. Wipe down machines after you finish and don't leave your swear all over. Don't just sit on a machine bs'in if you know someone next to you is waiting for it. Just the basics. 
Also dont drop weights.  It ruins them.  Dont stand in front of the mirror resting between sets if someone is behind you exercising.  Dont walk in front of someone if theyre looking in the mirror during an exercise.  Dont wear cologne/perfrume.  Wear deordant.  Dont have a conversation with someone whos shouting distance away from you.  If youre not positive that someone is using something, ask someone nearby if anyone is using it.  Only superset/triple set if the gym isnt crowded.  If theres only 1 of a certain machine (cable towers, squat rack, etc.) make sure youre quick using it.
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